Chapter Six

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My mother woke me up. It was morning, I knew because light was pouring in through the windows. My mother was standing by me with her hands on her hips, she didn't look too happy.

"Did you sleep out here last night?" Mom asked.

"Oh, I guess I did," I replied.

"You have a room for a reason."

"There's really no need to flip out about it Mom."

"Why did you stay out here so late?"

"Well, because I wanted to be here for the news to come on."


"Is the news on right now?"


"Well watch and you'll see why."

I sat up and my mother and I watched as they went over the usual stuff, weather, some random stories and sports. Then they mention the story I was waiting for. They said that police investigators have found the body of eighteen year old african american male Roman Lysander. Police had found that he stabbed in the back and in the ribs, and his head was smacked on the wall hard enough that his skull was cracked in four different places. Damn I'm strong when I'm angry, I thought. I wonder if Christy saw the news. I also wonder if Ramstoke actually went to Christy's house. After the report on the news was over, my phone went off. I checked it to find a text message from Christy. The message read, "did you see the news?". I replied with a "yeah.". She then sent a message that said, "did the cops show up at your place too?" I replied with "yeah, I was the first one they checked.". The clock on my phone said that it was nine o'clock. I'm going to be seeing Christy again in three hours. I can't wait, I just wanted to go up there to see her now. All I needed to do was figure out what we were going to do today.

Well, obviously if she doesn't already have lunch before you get there, you should take her somewhere, Jay said.

Yeah, like Jake's Diner again, Jason added.

But then what? I thought.

How about you guys hang out at the beach, Jay suggested.

The beach isn't that bad of an idea, thanks Jay.

Two hours passed, I showered and got ready. I waited for about half an hour, then headed out. I reached Christy's house at exactly twelve o'clock. I knocked on the door. This time a woman answered, I assume the woman must be Christy's mother. She looked like she was in her late twenties, I see where Christy got her looks from because this woman looked almost exactly like her, except the age shows just a tiny bit of a difference. Also another difference is that she She wore loose fit blue jeans and a green tank top.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Ben Grey," I introduced myself.

"I see, so you're the Ben guy Christy's mentioned before," The woman replied. "I'm Danielle."

"So is Christy ready yet?"

"Wait here a second, I'll go see."

She turned around and walked out of sight behind a wall a little ways into the house. I waited and then Christy came out from that same wall. She looked just as great as she did yesterday. Today she wore a black long sweater with thumb loops in the sleeve and she wore dark blue jeans.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," Christy replied.

Without saying another word, I went for the car with Christy following. As soon as we got into the car, I decided to talk first.

"So, how does lunch at Jake's Diner sound?" I asked.

"I'm not really feeling too hungry," Christy answered.

To be honest, neither was I. I just wanted to hang out with Christy.

"Is there anywhere else we can go, just to hang out?" Christy asked.

"How about the beach?" I asked.

"What will we do there?"

"We'll hang out on the pier. It's not that hot out so we'll be fine."

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