Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next day after that, we got our stuff together after school and brought it all to Oliver's girlfriend Lili's house and set everything up in the garage. Lili was a nice girl, she didn't like Riley at all because apparently he pulled a prank on her that involved bugs and she doesn't like bugs at all. Even though she didn't like Riley, we still managed to convince her to let us use her garage for rehearsals. For the time that we were practicing we weren't that bad. I received a message from Trish about the gig we were going to be playing.

"Alright everyone, I just got a message from Trish!" I announced. "We're going to playing at an event at Silver Castle Park next week. We'll be playing with a couple other performers who are also doing covers."

"That's great to hear guys," Lili said. "I'll help spread the word about it around school and stuff."

"That would be great, thanks Lili."

"No problem."

That's when I noticed, Crystal walking past the house on the sidewalk.

"You live near Crystal Young?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah," Lili answered. "Why?"

"I don't know it's just that her and I aren't very good friends and not to mention her and Christy were in a fight."

"Yeah Crystal lives down the road and she always walks down the same path everyday at least three times a day, this is her second trip and the next will be around nine when it's getting dark."

"Yeah I don't really care about that stuff."

But I do, Jason said. We're getting rid of Crystal now.

But why must we kill her? Jay questioned. Christy took care of her already in the fight.

This isn't about Christy! It never was about her, it was about us. I'm fed up with how they treated us. The name calling, the violence, EVERYTHING! I'm sick of it! We're getting rid of them all!

Why should I? I felt fucking terrible after thinking about all of this. I've killed people, I'm a psychopath! A killer! I want to be normal.

Well it's not going to happen Benny. We're getting rid of them or I get rid of your girlfriend and then the others.

Fine, if you're going to be that way, I guess I'm going to have to listen.

You don't have to. You can get help Ben. It won't be that hard to get rid of us.

It's not going to happen. It won't be that easy, I won't make it easy.

Fine Jason, if we have to do this, we're doing when I feel like there's a reason.

Sure Benny, and right now you have a reason to kill Crystal, she hurt Christy in that fight.

Alright, what are we going to do?

We're going to observe her walking patterns for tomorrow and learn what it is and the next day we're going to wait until dark and we're going to kill her.


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