Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up and checked the clock, it was nine o'clock in the morning. Christy wasn't in bed and I could hear and smell something cooking. I came downstairs to the kitchen to find that Christy was making breakfast. I didn't think she would do something like cook breakfast, then again it could've been for her, but there was more than enough for the two of us.

"You cook?" I asked.

"A little," Christy replied. "Just small and easy things."

"Like stuff for breakfast?"

"Yeah, and I thought I'd make something for you."

"Well you didn't have to do that."

"I thought I would do it as a thank you for yesterday."

"What about yesterday?"

"Well, you were there for me when I was upset, you let me stay here for the weekend and teaching me how to use those knives and tomahawks. Sure I may not need to know how to use them for the future but it was still nice to learn from you."

"And it was nice to teach you."

I hugged Christy from behind and rested my head on her left shoulder.

"I love you," I said.

"How much do you love me?" Christy asked me.

"More than you would ever think of."

"How much would that be?"

"I love you more than life itself."

I kissed her neck.

"And I would do anything to prove it."

"I love you too."

"So what do you want to do today?"

Christy managed to turn around and looked up at me.

"What do you think we should do?" Christy asked.

"I asked you first," I replied.

"Well I want you to pick. I don't care what we do, even if we stay here and watch movies and just hang out."

"Is that what you want to do?"

"I wouldn't mind."

So Christy and I had breakfast and afterwards we settled down on the couch. We searched through all the movies and shows on Netflix once again. We stopped at a couple movies.

"Maybe we could watch Twilight," Christy suggested.

"Yeah I don't know about that, I remember watching part of it with my cousin and I wasn't really a fan of it," I replied.

"Oh ok then, well then how about Remember Me?"

"Sure, I haven't seen it, I'll try to watch it."

"Okay, I haven't seen it either."

So we got into similar positions as we did the night before and cuddled on the couch. Christy never seemed to want to leave me anymore. I'm hoping things at her house are going okay. And if bad things were going on, I'd like to know what was wrong. As we watched the movie, I kept thinking about it until I finally decided to ask.


"Yeah Ben?"

"Is everything alright at your house?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like are you parents giving you a hard time or anything?"

"My parents have been fighting a bit yeah. Why?"

"I was just wondering because you always don't want to stay at your place a whole lot."

"Yeah, my parents have been arguing a lot lately and it's just been a real pain and I just wanted to get away from it."

"Oh alright, that's understandable."

I held her hand in mine.

"Let me know if anything else is wrong," I said. "And I'll see what I can do because I care a lot about you and I wouldn't want to see you hurt or upset in any way."

Christy looked at me and I saw her eyes tear up as she then hugged me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, I'm just really happy. I'm so glad I have someone like you, someone who cares."

"Yeah and I care because like I said not too long ago, I love you, more than anything."

"And I love you too."

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