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~* Going to skip ahead 3 years! I know it's a quick change but I won't go quickly through it all now!*~


The twins were now 3, they are completly different! Ziggy is just like me in so many ways but is also like Jared sometimes but Ryder is Jared's mini me. He just has his personality, happy and giggling one minute to screaming the house down. Grumpy in the mornings whereas me and Ziggy are morning people. Ryder is a big cuddler though so he defiantly got that from mwah!

Jared was in the studio today working on new music so it was just me and the twins at home. I was thinking of going to see him since both Ziggy and Ryder won't stop asking to see him. Since J is Gucci obsessed the boys clothes are pretty much half Gucci. 

Before leaving to go visit J, Shannon and Tomo I got there shoes on. 

~*Ryder's clothes on the left, Ziggy on the right*~ 

~*Ryder's clothes on the left, Ziggy on the right*~ 

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"Gucci head to toe!" I said to myself 

As soon as I opened the front door Ryder began to run to the car. They both look funny when they run, little legs everywhere. Ball of energy that kid! Zig on the other hand just walked slowly. It is so weird how different they both are! Wouldn't change them for the world though. 

When I got them both into their car seats I began to drive to their studio. Once I parked the car I noticed the paps were there. How annoying. I didn't plan on getting out the car yet, not when Ryder just runs everywhere and I don't trust paps. Especially not around my kids. There was a barrier in the car park but one of the boys could easily run under it and there was also a walk way sized gap.

'Hey babe, I am here with the boys in the car park. Come down and meet us? Paps are here and I don't trust the creeps xx' I texted J

He texted back straight away saying he was coming down now. Once Jared had got to the car I grabbed Ryder out the car while we got Ziggy out. As we walked into the back entrance I noticed Ziggy was waving at all the paps and giggling. He is always so happy towards other people. Ryder on the other hand was whining.

"Why bright lights" He whined 

"They are taking pictures of my hansom little boy!" I told him 


I laughed at him and put him down since we was now inside and I knew he would want to get down anytime soon anyway. Jared also put Ziggy down. 

"NO!" He screamed 

That is when Ziggy just sat on the floor. I knew what he was doing. Every child does it atleast once but he does it nearly every week! 

"Bye Zig" He joked, walking down the hall

"No mummy, daddy wait!" He cried, running towards us 

I laughed at him and held his hand as we walked int he studio room. Shannon and Tomo were the only ones in the room currently.

"ShanShan!" Ryder said happily 

Both boys loved Shannon and also Tomo. I sat on the sofa next to Jared but was talking to Tomo.

"What brings you along?" He asked

"Those two wouldn't stop asking to come here and plus the food court in this building serves the best chicken salads!" I said and he laughed 

"I have to agree with you on that one!" 

We looked to see Jared and Shannon playing with the boys so me and Tomo ran out and down to the food court. I was starving! 

"Bye then!" We hear them both shout

"We got Camp Mars next month, are you bringing the boys?" He asked

"Not completly sure yet, last year they missed him way too much and it he was only away 4 days! I might since they are both at a stage where they can walk and talk properly now" I told him

"I reckon you guys should! I think the fans would love to see them. Even when me and the two others interact in the day we can bring them along, plus all the running around will defiantly tire them out" He laughed and I agreed

It would be cool to take them both, we try to get them used to these kind of situations. I know it will be really crowded sometimes but they have both been in those situations so many time because of paps, everywhere! Everytime it happens Ryder still asks why they do it. There was one time in the airport when Jared was with Ryder and he wanted to tell him to say 'fuck off' but I was not going to let him. I feel like these two will be swearing soon with the language J uses. I don't want them swearing, ever!

When me and Tomo had eaten we went back to see all four of them, asleep on the floor.

"How long was we?" I laughed 

We both took a picture and of course put it on social media. I wasn't going to let them forget this moment. 

"Guessing we are calling it a day until tomorrow" Tomo chuckled 

I agreed and tapped Jared on the shoulder. He groaned before sitting up slowly. He looked at me and I laughed at him. We both took the boys to the car saying bye to Shannon and Tomo. 

"See you at home baby, drive safe" He said, heading to his car



"Do not hit your brother!" I heard M say 

I walked into living room to see Ziggy crying. I was about to speak when Ryder hit Ziggy in the face. Of course to us it wouldn't hurt but to Ziggy it clearly does. I walked over to them and picked Ryder up, M was calming Zig down.

"Down!" He screamed 

I sat on the sofa his him sitting in my lap. I ignored him until he finally stopped kicking his legs about and had finished his little tantrum. He is always having them!

"What have I said about smacking people?" I said 

"It's bad" He mumbled 

"Right, so don't do it!"

He didn't reply, he just put his head into my chest. 

"It is someones bed time!" I said to him 

I seen M go upstairs with Ziggy a few minutes ago. They have their own bedrooms. We did have them in the same room for a little bit but they just didn't seem to get on or one woke the other up too much so we just put them in separate. I guess it works out easier. They can both have their own design and toys.

When they were both asleep me and M headed back down into the living room. She was currently lying down in between my legs with her head resting on my chest.

"Tomo mentioned Camp Mars to me earlier. I know I am going but do we take the boys for the first time?" M asked

"I think we should. They will probably enjoy it. There will be so much for them to do and I am sure the fans will adore them. When I do those little activities with the fans I can take them along with me or Shan and Tomo can take them too. They will both be perfectly safe and the room we will stay in is sound proof so it won't be too noisy in the evening for them" I said 

"Yeah we will take them then. I swear to god if any sort of paint gets in there hair then you are sorting it!" I joked and he laughed 

It is 2 am and I am half asleep writing this. Useless information but ah well. 

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