Chapter 1

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I do not own any of the characters from Supernatural or The Vampire Diaries.

Warning; Though there are no explicit torture scenes, it is heavily implied (you know it's happening but you don't know what exactly is being done).


Caroline couldn't remember ever having been in so much pain in her life. Not when she'd been tortured by her father, or by the werewolves, or by Alaric; not even when she'd had werewolf venom coursing through her veins. None of that compared to the pain she was in now.

"Come now darling, certainly you can tell me more than that." she felt as if every inch of her skin was on fire, even her hands were staked to the arms of the chair she was trapped in with vervain coated chains. She'd been trapped in this chair for what felt like years; being submitted to every form of torture she'd known existed, and more she'd have been better off not having known about.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me." there was blinding pain and the moment she screamed it stopped. She forced herself to focus on her torturer, the dark smirking eyes that matched the sardonic curl of his lips, the english accent that drawled at her through her pain, the close cropped hair, clean shaven cheeks and sharp suit covered with a white apron stained with her blood. He wasn't particularly tall and so she met his eyes with little effort, glaring as hard as she could muster. Though her body screamed for release, for an end to the pain, she stubbornly refused to give in, not when what he was asking for was something she would never allow herself to give.

"Now that I have your attention," he drawled, smirk still firmly in place, "How do you kill an original vampire?" it was a question she'd been asked many times before, and a question she still wouldn't answer. Not because she didn't know, she knew very well, but because she knew the originals and knew the one in particular that her torturer was after. As it so happened, that was the one original whose secrets she would never give up.

"I thought you killed 'the original vampire' already." she grated instead, her throat raw, the words scraping pain out of the raw nerves there.

"Oh him?" he waved a hand as if it were unimportant. "That species of vampires is weak. They only have a fraction of your speed, your strength, and they aren't nearly as attractive. They also didn't tend to be as loyal. In fact, they don't really seem to hold much loyalty at all. And they have those nasty, needle-like teeth – sort of like miniature leviathans, and those bloody bastards were hard to kill." there was a pause as he wandered over to the table covered in his torture instruments. "No, I don't much like there kind, would in fact prefer if they died out all together, but you, you're species is fascinating. You didn't come from purgatory, you were made by something far more real than some elusive god." he was behind her now, the thought of what he might be planning to do making her want to whimper, but she held back, keeping silent. "So, darling. How does one kill an original vampire?"

Caroline just glared.

"You don't. You try and then you get your heart ripped from your chest." she snapped with her hoarse voice, but rather than be angry, he just rolled his eyes.

"Well then. How about another question. How much do you know about the vampire Nicklaus."

Her thoughts ran wild with memories of Klaus, as they did every time she was asked about him, but she kept her face expressionless. She knew that he wasn't just a vampire, hadn't been for – was it decades now? but she wouldn't give that away, wouldn't give up his advantage. He was immortal, he was un-killable, but she wouldn't give up anything that could in any way be used against him. She'd left Tyler for him, been chased by that stupid baby hybrid into the clutches of the King of Hell before she could make it to New Orleans, but despite that, despite that he didn't even know she was ready to admit she wanted him as much as he'd always wanted her, and that she didn't know if he even wanted her anymore, she wouldn't say a word about him.

"Cat got your tongue?" the pain came again, and again she screamed, but that was all she would do. She wouldn't beg, and she wouldn't give in. Even if it killed her.

"Hey, Crowley, you son of a bitch. We're here." Caroline's head shot up at the sound of the deep, gravelly male voice. She was alone in what she'd silently dubbed the room of horrors that she was kept in, but that didn't mean she couldn't hear what went on outside those walls. She was used to the sound of other creatures being tortured, and occasionally even humans, but this, this was new. This was also a voice she recognized. She wracked her brain, wondering who it could possibly be. It wasn't any of her friends, she would've recognized their voices immediately, and it wasn't the voice she secretly ached to hear because he didn't even know she was missing, let alone had been looking for him. It was a voice from an old memory; and then it clicked. She imagined the voice a bit higher, and the face came instantly. Dean Winchester. The boy that had blown into town in an old chevy Impala with his dad and his kid brother, mussed her up in a janitors closet and then blown out of town again. She couldn't help but blush at the human memory, having been so overwhelmed by the ruggedly handsome teenager in her younger human teenage years, but then her thoughts snapped on point. What was he doing here? She concentrated on the room next door and realized that besides the king of hell was not only Dean and his steady heartbeat, but another man judging by the scent and the heartbeat. Could it be Dean's kid brother Sam? Or was it his father?

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." there was a pause, in which Caroline could imagine Crowley and Dean nodding at each other, and then another pause. "Moose."

She couldn't help herself, she gave a snort of disbelief. Moose? What kind of nickname was that? The instant she made the noise she regretted it as she instantly felt the attention of the three occupants in the other room turned towards the room in which she sat.

"Is that why you called us?" Came a voice that wasn't quite so deep, but she remembered the tone. Yes, it was Sam. What were they doing here?

In the next room over, Crowley heaved a sigh, both Winchesters watching him suspiciously.

"What've you got locked up in your little house of horrors this time, asshole?" Dean demanded, and Crowley cocked a brow at him.

"Is that anyway to speak to somebody whose been trying to help you?" Dean scoffed and Sam made a face that showed clearly how much he appreciated any help from Crowley's direction.
"We don't trust you." Dean said blatantly, and Crowley chuckled.

"I know. That's why I have my proof through the door right there. You've probably run into a few vampires over the years that aren't quite like the ones your used to, am I right? Elongated incisors instead of those hideous needle-like things, and the dark veins around the eyes?" the brothers exchanged a look and Crowley smirked. "Well, I just so happen to have found one of those very vampires."

"That's great and all, but what exactly do you need us for?" Sam asked, skeptical as always, and Crowley just shot him a look.

"Well, Moose, I certainly didn't invite you for your charming company." he sauntered towards the door, reaching for the handle that separated them from his prisoner. "I have it on good authority that she knows how to kill an original of her kind though." with another shared look, the Winchesters followed him, both skeptical, but both curious. With a knowing smirk, Crowley turned the handle and led them through the door.

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