Chapter 10

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Caroline was getting impatient. She'd been sitting in the back of the impala for 9 hours at this point and she was bored out of her mind as she stared out the window at the night sky.

"Are we there yet?" she asked, knowing full well they weren't anywhere close, and Dean started cursing.

"Are you kidding me? God dammit, Caroline, if this is going to be you for the rest of the trip I swear to god I will kick your ass out on the road and you can walk the rest of the way." she just rolled her eyes gave a loud sigh, leaning forward to lean between them, an arm on each seat.

"Don't you guys get bored on all these road trips? Just driving for hours? How do you stand it?" she asked, and Dean glanced at her out of the corner of his eye even as Sam tried not to smirk at her impatience.

"Music." Dean said, and Caroline smiled as if excited.

"What kind of music?" Sam chuckled, knowing what was coming and Dean grinned like a child, excited. He dug into the armrest, grabbing a cassette tape and shoving it into the stereo. AC/DC blared from the speakers and Caroline stared wide eye for a moment. As if expecting her to hate it, Dean looked over with a smug grin, and Sam couldn't help but look over curiously. But even as they both glanced over, Caroline had gone from shocked to grinning, hair bouncing as she bounced to the beat. Surprised, Dean couldn't help but laugh while Sam just watched in surprise before laughing as well. It'd been the last reaction either of them had expected her to have. Even as Dean laughed, his eyes caught sight of a figure on the road and he was cursing, swerving to the side and slamming on the breaks. Even as they swerved, the figure disappeared and now Caroline was cursing as well.

"Hope you guys are ready for a fight, because we've got one coming." In a flash she'd climbed over Sam's lap and out of the car, standing at the ready in front of the car, knees bent, arms hanging loose at her sides. Even as she stood there, a group of vamps approached from the trees lining the roads, and Sam and Dean scrambled out of the car, pulling out weapons.

"Anyone have an extra stake?" she asked, putting out a hand, and a stake was immediately placed in her hand. She grinned, feeling the expression stretch across her face. She'd been locked up in Crowley's house of horror unable to fight back, and here was her chance; to get rid of all that pent up anger.

"Well, hello Caroline." came a smooth voice she didn't recognize, and she cocked her head to the side, unimpressed.

"And who are you supposed to be?" she asked, brushing off his existence easily. There were only eight opponents and she had no idea how old they were or if they were even all vampires, but that didn't mean she couldn't take them, especially with two professional hunters at her back. "Alright, you two know the drill, right? Stake to the heart is what kills them."

The vampire she'd ignored bared his fangs in anger at being ignored.

"My name's Tyrell. Crowley sent me."

"Is that so, guess we have to kill you then." Dean said cheerfully from behind her, and when the vampire hissed again, she sped forward. With barely any effort she was behind him, snapping his neck and watching him fall to the ground.

"Pitiful." she said, ramming the stake into his chest and yanking it out just to spin and stab it into the chest of the female vampire who'd tried to rush her from behind. "That coat was so last year." she muttered, yanking the stake out. She was grabbed from behind and laughed, twisting her arms and then flipping backwards. She landed on the man's shoulder, snapping his neck with barely a thought. She didn't have time to drive the stake into his heart because she was already spinning, rolling back to land in a crouch as another vampire tackled her down. She'd shaken them in the role but now they were crouched across from her, veins around their eyes showing. "You know, you really should learn better self control." she informed them, launching forward. Even as she jumped something hit her side and she felt the pain before she saw what had caused it. "Guys!" she practically screamed, as the needle pumped vervain into her system. The vampire facing her jumped, and she still managed to stake them and throw them off before she doubled over, dumping the needle on the ground. She looked around for the person with the gun even as another needle hit her. This time she screamed as the vervain injected itself, pulling the needle out again and tossing it down again. She dropped to her knees in pain and caught sight of the vampire with the gun. She could feel her appearance changing, the veins appearing, teeth sharpening in her mouth.

"Caroline! Are you alright?" Sam was shouting, but she was focused on the man holding the gun.

"I'm going to kill you." she warned him, smile vicious as she sped across the space towards him. Her body was still burning from the vervain but she didn't care, even as another shot hit her. She realized now that this one wasn't a vampire, it was human, or at least it appeared human. It didn't take long for her to realize it was human and her grin became feral. She leapt on them before they could run, ignoring the burn of pain as she sank her fangs into their neck. They screamed in pain but she was latched on, leaning back to look briefly in the demons eyes. "You will not leave this body." she ordered, and the man's eyes widened. She grinned, blood covering her mouth as she sank her fangs back into the man's neck, draining him dry. Then she snapped his neck, dropping the body as she licked her lips and picked up the gun. There was a few shots left and she spun, taking out the last vampire in sight. She dropped like a stone with one shot after which Sam staked her. They both turned to her and though Dean hesitated, Sam came right over, offering her a cloth.

"You okay?" he asked, looking at the body at her feet, and she nodded.

"This one's a demon. He was shooting me. It hurt."

"The demon's still in the body?" he asked, and she nodded. "Seems like he was vervain free." she didn't even miss a beat though she scolded herself for giving them the information.

"Vervain?" Sam asked, and she nodded.

"It's like poison to us. Hurts like a bitch. That's what these darts were filled with. That's why she fell when I shot her." she was glad she'd taken it off track enough that she didn't have to admit it stopped compulsion.

"Yeah but Care," he said, using the familiar form of her name and making her smile as she wiped the blood from her face, "How many times were you shot?"

"I was hit three times. I've built up a bit of a tolerance though." she said it easily enough but the worry in Sam's face was heart-warming. He went to put a hand on her shoulder, but before he could Dean was shouting at them.

"Get down!" he shouted and Caroline tackled Sam to the ground without thinking, looking up in surprise as the vampire that had been right behind her was hit by a burst of wooden bullets. She back on her feet at super speed, pulling Sam with her before she rushed Dean, throwing her arms around him in a hug and smacking a kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks." she heard his heart speed up and chuckled, wandering back over to Sam. "Sorry for the tackle." she apologized, but he just gave her that same sheepish smile.

"Don't worry about it. I'd rather be tackled by you than have that vampire sink its teeth into my neck." Caroline's smile just widened as she headed towards the car, tucking the stake into the inside of her coat. It was a handy weapon to hold on to.

"You guys coming or what? Also, you owe me a drink for taking more than half those suckers down." before she reached the car she was grabbed, and she couldn't even react before her neck was snapped and everything went black. The last thing she remembered was hearing both the Winchester's calling her name.

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