Chapter 9

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The knock on the door came before the witch Lara had arrived and it was Damon who rushed to answer it only to find a piece of paper attached to the doorway and nobody around. In seconds he was calling out to the other occupants of the house.

"Hey guys, we got a note from the hunters." he called, and in an instant the three other vampires were surrounding him.

"Well, what does it say?" Klaus demanded impatiently, and Damon rolled his eyes before he started reading.

"Dear blood suckers, we're taking blondie to New Orleans. Rumour has it your kind infested the area so we figure it's a good place to drop her off. Should be there in the next day or two. Be there."

They all stood in silence for a moment before Elena broke the silence.

"Didn't you say his name was Dean Winchester?" she asked Klaus, who nodded, wondering where the brunette was going with this.

"There was a Dean Winchester who came to our school in high school, before all of this started up," she said with a vague motion towards the three men. "He had a little brother, I think his name was Sam? And his dad, his name was John. And Dean drove this really great car – anyways they didn't stay long. Just a semester."

"Where's this going, Elena?" Damon asked, nudging his girlfriend along, and she shook her head, still frowning.

"I don't know if it's the same one but, him and Caroline sort of had a thing. He was all ruggedly handsome and dangerous looking. Didn't really do well with rules. Pretty badass actually." clearly unamused with her train of thought, all three men just stared at her, but to Klaus it was beginning to make sense. He hadn't understood why a hunter would save a tortured vampire, but could it be because they were an old flame? He didn't get a chance to comment on it however because Damon was speaking.

"Blondie. Only I get to call her that. Hunters." he jeered. His brother rolled his eyes and Damon grabbed his coat. When nobody else moved, he looked around expectantly. "Well, are we going to New Orleans or not? I, for one, would like to see what the big deal is about these hunters." he was out the door in seconds, Elena on his heels and Stefan following close behind. Klaus was left alone inside the house, mind spinning, wondering why they'd chosen New Orleans. Had it been Caroline's subtle idea? Or did the idea belong to the hunters? If so, why? Unable to find an answer standing inside the Salvatore mansion, he followed the rest outside, slamming the door behind him and taking the passenger seat. He smirked at the fact that nobody even considered making him sit in the back; authority was good.

"Take us to the airport, mate. We're flying back to New Orleans."

It took them seven hours to get to New Orleans, and when they arrived Klaus welcomed them to the city as if it were completely under his control. Of course, the Mystic Falls trio had no doubt that such a thing could very well be true.

"What now? It's not like we can just wander the streets asking about a cute blonde." Damon muttered, and Klaus gave him a look that told him silence was currently his best friend. Damon made a face but didn't speak.

"The hunters will be driving here. Chances are, they'll either send the angel, or allow Caroline to make another phone call. Do be sure not to miss it." he said with that trademark smirk that said if they screwed up he would kill them in an extremely painful manner. Even as they each pulled out their phones to make sure they wouldn't miss a call, Elena's phone buzzed. All eyes turned to her and she flipped her phone open. It was a text and it read simply; 'call this number at 21:00 hours'. Klaus glanced at his watch and realized they had an hour to wait.

"Come on then, lets get a drink while we wait."

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