Chapter 2

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It was two in the morning and against his better judgement, Klaus found himself propped up on the many pillows in his bed, sketchbook in hand, hand unconsciously sketching out the planes of Caroline's face. She appeared in all of his dreams, haunted every waking moment. Even with the drama that was Hayley and the child, Marcel and the witches, she still managed to sneak into his every thought. It was that very thought he was scowling over when his phone rang, blaring through the silence and shocking him out of his thoughts. Of course, it didn't dispel his foul mood. It'd been over a decade since he'd told her he planned to be her last love, and though that wasn't a particularly long time for a vampire, it grated at his senses to know she could hold such power over him and be seemingly unaffected. He'd thought by allowing Tyler to return, she'd see what the foolish mutt missed that he himself possessed, and yet after a decade she still hadn't appeared, and he was regretting having let the very first hybrid he'd ever created get the very woman he wanted. With this in mind, he snatched up his phone, answering it with a waspish tone.

"What is it that is so pressing you found it appropriate to call me at two in the morning, Stefan?"

"I need your help." the serious tone and the request had Klaus laughing against his will.

"That much is obvious, mate." was the amused reply, but Stefan didn't huff in exasperation as he usually would, he didn't make demands, or threats, or bargains, instead, in a steady voice, he said the one thing that could have Klaus' blood running cold.

"Caroline's in trouble."

"Got herself bitten by her boyfriend again?" Klaus sniped, knowing it was underhanded, and yet half hoping it were true if only because he'd have an excuse to see her again. Of course, that only proved in his mind how hopeless she made him.

"No, I think it might be worse than that." Klaus was on his feet in an instant, pulling on a shirt and trousers.

"What the bloody hell does that mean?" he growled, and heard Stefan's intake of breath.

"She left him. Broke up with him and packed up her stuff. She was leaving Mystic Falls, Klaus."

"I don't see how that could possibly be worse than a werewolf bite." Klaus growled, and Stefan sighed.

"You'd understand if you let me finish." Klaus bit back a snarky reply and a beat later Stefan continued. "I was supposed to go with her to the airport, but when I arrived at her house I found signs of a struggle and Tyler's stench was everywhere. I followed it of course, but I couldn't find anything except a new scent." Impatient, Klaus huffed.

"And what scent was that exactly?"


Klaus frowned, knowing sulphur meant demons, but he hadn't come across any in ages. In fact, not since the bloody leviathans had taken over. Of course, when they'd been defeated (by a couple of hunters no less) the demons had slowly begun to return, but not in any worrying numbers.

"So there was a demon. How is that relevant?"

"That depends. How many demons do you know that wear handmade italian shoes, are about 5' 10'', and have a rough english accent?"

Klaus' jaw tensed. Crowley. The self-proclaimed king of hell. Of course, that hell didn't apply to him or his kind, but it didn't mean Crowley wasn't a formidable enemy. He knew he was who Stefan was talking about, and the idea that Caroline was in his clutches made his skin itch.

"Well, that is quite the predicament, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Depends." was Stefan's retort. "I guess I should mention just why I was driving Caroline to the airport. She'd bought a one way ticket out of Mystic Falls." there was a pause in which Klaus felt his anticipation as a palpable presence in the room.

"And where, pray tell, would that ticket take her?"

"New Orleans."

He felt himself relax, felt the smile stretch across his face. She'd been coming, running towards him instead of away.

"I'm on my way. Any word on Tyler's whereabouts?" at that Stefan gave a dark laugh.

"Oh, I've got him, safe and secure in the vault. In fact, I think Elena's keeping him company right now. Though I don't think she's appealing to his humanity." there was a pause. "Her and Caroline lost Bonnie soon after you left, the idea of losing Caroline too has set her on edge. I think Tyler's feeling just how sharp that edge is." Klaus couldn't deny that he was impressed with how well Elena had taken to being a vampire after the trouble with the humanity switch at the beginning, but he couldn't say he wasn't pleased that Tyler was feeling the effects of her anger. Elena and her friends were capable of doing anything they set their mind to, and he almost pitied Tyler, but only almost. He knew well enough that the baby hybrid would be lucky to live through the night when he arrived.

"I'm on my way. Make sure he's still alive by the time I get there." there was a sound of agreement and Klaus hung up, flashing to the door. He allowed himself a momentary smile at the thought that Caroline had been coming to find him, but it was only a brief moment. Right now, she was in trouble, and knowing Crowley, she was undoubtably in severe pain. The thought sent an ache through his chest. He would find her, and he would save her, and then he would destroy the self-proclaimed king for ever laying a finger on her. He smiled again, but this time it was vicious. Caroline was finally going to be his, and he wouldn't let anybody take that away from him.

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