Chapter 5

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The feeling of a hand on her shoulder woke her with a start and she reacted in panic. Without even thinking, she grabbed the hand and flipped, landing on top of Sam where she'd thrown him on the ground, teeth bared, veins around her eyes having gone black. The instant she bared her teeth she was hit with recognition and she shot back across the room, apology already forming, fangs retracting and veins fading.

"I'm sorry. You startled me." she apologized, and was rewarded with a self deprecating smile on Sam's part, and open mouthed disbelief from Dean.

"No worries. I should've realized you'd be a bit jumpy about being touched." he reached for the bag that he'd been holding before Caroline had flipped him, and pulled out a blood bag. Before he could even say another word she'd flashed over, faster than their eyes could follow, snatching the bag from his hand and tearing into it. She didn't spill a drop and closed her eyes as the liquid poured down her throat. She gasped in relief as it hit her stomach and she felt the last of her injuries begin to heal. She could feel the brothers eyes on her, knew they were surprised by her healing, and probably startled by the sudden change in her appearance (the veiny thing tended to scare a lot of people) but she was too hungry to care. She dropped the empty blood bag back inside, pulling out another. When she'd drained it and tossed it back in the bag, she smiled.

"Thank you."

They were both staring at her, and she was suddenly all too aware of the situation. She'd been saved from Crowley, but not by just anyone; the more she thought about it, the more she realized that this wasn't just Sam and Dean, kids from her childhood, this was Sam and Dean Winchester. Of course, to most people, that wouldn't mean anything at all, but as a member of the supernatural world? She'd heard of these two hunters. Everyone had. Realizing that maybe agreeing to escape with them wasn't necessarily the best idea, she wrapped her arms around her own waist, realizing then that she was wearing an oversized plaid shirt buttoned up over what she'd been wearing during her capture. She looked in surprise from the shirt to the brothers and watched as Dean shrugged, and Sam gave a sheepish look.

"We thought-" he began, and then at a glance from Dean, rolled his eyes and started again. "I thought you might like to be covered. You fell asleep in the car and I carried you in, and sort of noticed how your clothes weren't really in the best of shape." Caroline held back her bodies desire to blush and just gave a nod of thanks.

"I appreciate that." then she glanced towards the bathroom. "Do you think – would you mind-?" she trailed off and it was Dean who caught on this time.

"Go ahead."

without another word she disappeared into the bathroom, turning on the water. When it was warm, she stripped and stepped under the hot spray. She nearly groaned at the protest her muscles gave before they relaxed under the heat and she watched the blood and sweat trickle down the drain, leaving her skin clean. Of course, the only soap and shampoo belonged to the brothers, and had a very definite woodsy masculine smell, but she would take it over the grimy state she'd been in any day. Of course, that was to be expected since she'd been missing a week. She froze at the thought and suddenly Caroline couldn't breathe. She'd been missing for a week. Had anyone noticed? She shook the pitying thought off but that didn't shake the panic. Of course someone had noticed. Stefan would have known the next day since he was supposed to drive her to the airport, so he would be looking for her, which meant Elena and Damon as well, but a week had already gone by. How far could Crowley have taken her? Sam had made comment about how they were only a few counties over, but that meant little. Were her friends close? Or had Tyler managed to take them off her trail? The thought of her ex boyfriend had her rage bubbling. He'd betrayed her. She'd given up so much for him, and in the end, when she needed to part ways and move on, he betrayed her. He was a vindictive child, and if he was still alive when she made it home, she was going to tear his throat out. Because she would be getting home, she had to. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she didn't, wouldn't dare think about it. And that thought had her spiralling again. Maybe her friends couldn't find her because Crowley had done something to her during one of his many torture sessions to make sure she couldn't be found. If that was the case, she'd just have to find them, but the idea of going out alone, when Crowley was surely looking for her, made her uneasy. She turned off the shower and though it pained her, dressed back into her clothes, the button up over top. Sam had been right, she was glad for the coverage. It was nearly a dress on her, and it was warm and smelled comfortingly like the taller man. Of course, she wouldn't admit out loud that his scent was comforting, but there was no harm in admitting it to herself. She stepped out of the bathroom to see Dean sprawled out on one of the double beds, TV remote in his hand, and Sam at the small table, busy on his computer. They both looked up when she came back in and she shifted her weight from foot to foot, realizing now that she had no shoes.

"Thank you, for helping me escape, but I really should, you know, get going. Find my friends. They're probably looking for me." she watched as the brothers exchanged glances, and bit back the urge to narrow her eyes.

"Now?" Sam asked, and she shrugged.

"Good a time as any."

"You can't leave now." Dean stated, tone firm, and her eyes snapped to his face, panic skittering over her skin. Did they mean to keep her prisoner? Was that their intention? To save her only to try and get the information out of her themselves?

"Hey, we aren't going to hurt you. If we wanted you hurt we would've left you with Crowley." Sam assured, but she knew she still looked skeptical because Dean cut in.

"It's fine if you wanna run off on your own, blondie, I mean we know you've definitely got the strength and speed to make a go on your own. But it's safer if we stick together. If you just want to tell us who you're looking for, we can get a move on first thing in the morning. But I'd like a few hours of shuteye if that's alright with you." he glared at her as if daring her to deny him his sleep, but she was relieved enough to be offered the help that she didn't bother arguing.

"I could give you names but you probably wouldn't know them." she said with a shrug, "But what if we just went to Mystic Falls?" Dean made an ugly noise of disbelief only to have Sam shoot him a glare.

"Assuming your friends haven't left to look for you, going back to Mystic Falls is the first thing Crowley would expect you to do. If you do that you'll be falling right into his hands." she shuddered at the thought and then realized what she'd done when she found both men staring at her. She gave a huff.

"Fine, no Mystic Falls," she agreed, then with a pointed glance, "Yet." Dean rolled his eyes but Sam nodded, though he looked decidedly uncomfortable with the idea. "But I would like to get some new clothes in the morning, so maybe we could take a trip to a mall or at least an outlet store of some kind. I don't mind borrowing shirts for now, but I really need some pants et cetera." she said with a wave of her hand, knowing she didn't have to go into detail. Dean groaned at the thought, but again Sam nodded. Since that was dealt with, Caroline went and climbed into the other bed, grabbing the duffle bag of blood and bringing it with her. She pulled out another blood bag, ripping off the end and sipping it as she watched whatever show Dean flipped too, and when she was finished, she crawled under the covers. In seconds, she was asleep, comfortable with the knowledge that she had two fully trained hunters watching out for her.

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