Chapter 14

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Caroline was starting to tire. She'd taken out half the demons, compelling them to stay in their bodies and then killing them, and two others had escaped. That left her with only four and Crowley, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to take Crowley by herself, and the closer she got to him, the more afraid she was. He seemed to be standing back watching in what looked like fascination, and it half made Caroline want to wring his stupid neck, but she knew to get that close was to get caught. They'd tried to use holy bullets on her, but they did nothing more than regular bullets and for that she was semi grateful. If they'd had wooden bullets she would've been in much more trouble. Of course, she noticed that if they touched the bullets they were burned, and she'd been quick to steal a gun. She only had two shots left and wondered briefly if she should save them for Crowley. All four of her opponents had guns though, and they were circling her warily. One pulled the trigger and she moved, moving behind her and shoving her towards one of her companions and following the motion, shifting around her when more shots rang out, making it so they hit each other. She was left with only the last two, catching up the guns the first two demons had released in their fall. Gun in each hand she aimed easily, pulling both triggers at the same time. She was turning even as they dropped, aiming the guns at Crowley, but he was no longer where she'd seen him.

"Very good." he complimented from directly behind her, and she spun, even as she was hit with a needle of vervain. She hissed in pain, dropping a gun to pull the shot out of her neck.

"Bastard." she snapped, moving a fair distance away, but he just chuckled.

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" he asked, staying where he was, and in a blink she'd aimed and fired. The bullet missed since he was no longer there and she moved instantly, grateful she had when he appeared directly by where she'd been standing.

"From fighting scum like you." she snarled, and he chuckled again.

"I doubt you've ever fought anyone like me, darling." she grimaced.

"I'm not your darling. I'm not your anything. I won't go back with you." her thoughts were short circuiting now. She knew she couldn't run, he could follow with what seemed barely a thought and she stood no chance on her own. She also knew she couldn't go back.

"You will come back with me." she couldn't help the undignified squeak as his voice sounded right behind her and another shot of vervain had her on her knees, choking on her pain. "Because I want you to, and I always get what I want." She began to stand and he just sighed. "You really are too stubborn for your own good, Caroline. If you just listened and answered my questions in the first place, none of this would have happened." another syringe jabbed into her skin and she gave a breathless scream, vision swimming with pain. It was then that she felt the rumble, through the palms of her hand as a car roared down the highway. A car she recognized. The recognition had hope shooting through her and she was on her feet again, spinning with her gun, firing off shots in rapid succession. She fired until both guns were empty, and when Crowley reappeared a few meters away, she was gratified to see the smoking hole in his shoulder.

"This was a very expensive suit, darling." he sighed, irritation flashing in his soulless dark eyes, and Caroline cringed. She rushed another weapon, but even as she reached it she was sent flying with a kick in the side, rolling across the pavement. Her arm snapped and she screamed, but she struggled up, grinding her teeth as she quickly set it, turning back to her opponent. He was nowhere to be seen until two more syringes pierced her skin and her consciousness spun with the pain this time. This time she couldn't catch herself as she fell, collapsing at Crowley's feet. She heard two things at once as her eyes slipped closed; the sound of the impala's engine and his voice calling her name.

"Klaus," she managed to whisper, and then everything went black.

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