Chapter 15

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They came over the rise and the scene was impossible to miss. Bodies were scattered across the pavement, but most importantly, Caroline was right there, standing facing their direction, eyes blind as Crowley pulled the needles from her neck, dropping the empty injections. Caroline collapsed as if boneless, sightless eyes sliding closed.

"Caroline!" he roared, tearing out of the car, and Crowley's head snapped up at Klaus' voice.

"Klaus," her voice was hardly a pained whisper, but it still met his ears, and he stalked forward, pace disconcertingly slow.

"So you're Niklaus Mikaelson. One of the original vampires." Crowley drawled, clearly curious, but also completely at ease, obviously confident. Klaus planned on changing that.

"I am. And you're Crowley, crossroads demon promoted to King of Hell." he stopped a few meters away, never looking directly at Caroline, but even as he stared solely at Crowley and listened to the Winchester's cursing and rushing out of the car, he still managed to focus mostly on Caroline. "Funny thing, that." Klaus continued, trademark smirk gracing his lips. "While you may be more powerful compared to the other demons, and certainly to humans, you hold no power over me."

"You're a vampire." Crowley drawled, shrugging. "Isn't hard to figure out how you work."

"Ah," he reached into his pocket, fingering the trinket he'd been sure to retrieve from his home when they'd been in New Orleans. "That's the interesting thing, isn't it? I'm a vampire, but I'm original. All of your information has come from torturing babies." he snarled, and deftly pulled the trinket from his pocket. Sam and Dean were approaching, and the car with the Salvatore's and Elena was just pulling up. In seconds he was flanked by them as well. "The problem with that is, this particular vampire you've been torturing holds particular importance to me."

"Funny, she seemed to be sure she wasn't even sure if you existed."

"Funny how you think I care in the slightest about what you have to say."

He glanced back at the Winchester's and nodded. They'd made the plan on the way and it wasn't the least bit clean, but if done well, should work.

"Interesting fact about your mum being a witch," Klaus noted, rushing forward to grab hold of Crowley, speaking the words in his ear. As he tried to escape the body Klaus put his hand over his mouth, the devils traps inscribed there keeping him trapped. "It means that if you were returned to your witch status, you'd be killable. And do you know where witches go?"

"Nowhere, they die like the rest." Crowley was struggling now as the Winchester's began to chant.

"That's where you're wrong, mate. They do go somewhere. They go into a void. Neither here nor there, trapped as if on the other side of a curtain, completely ignored, powerless, alone." The demon was shaking in his arms, power clear as his very essence fought the spell the Winchester's were chanting. At Klaus' nod, Stefan moved in a flash, disappearing and reappearing where he'd been, the second time with Caroline in his arms.

"If you were an angel, or one of the horsemen, or perhaps even one of the knights, this would be different. But you're not. You are nothing. That you hoped to find and defeat me is laughable. That you hurt someone I care about, unthinkable, and you will pay for it with your death." the Demon struggled harder, managing to break away from Klaus in a moment of strength, but he was quickly shoved back towards the original by Damon, who wore that dangerous smirk that promised death.

"I am the king of hell!" Crowley shouted, even as the Winchester's finished their chant. "I will be back and when I am I assure you-" he felt the sudden strip away of his powers, leaving him feel vulnerable like a child. "I will destroy you." he threatened, but Klaus just snorted, flashing around to face the once-demon-now-witch, and shoving his hand into the man's chest.

"If you do come back, it will be an impressive enough feat that you may deserve to kill us. Until then, you're lucky I have a stronger desire to see her safe than to torture you. You'd be very surprised that there are actually a few tricks I know for sure you haven't heard of." Crowley was gasping and wincing and without further ado, Klaus yanked his hand back, Crowley's heart beating twice in his hand before going still. The body collapsed and Klaus tossed the heart down a few feet away. Reaching down, he pulled Crowley's handkerchief from his pocket, using it to wipe the dead man's blood from his fingers as he approached where Stefan stood with Caroline in his arms.

"She's been heavily dosed." Stefan noted, and Elena frowned.

"How much do you think?"

"She was hit by three of these before," Sam noted, lifting one of the syringes off the ground, "And it didn't take her down. So it would have to be more than that."

"Five, by the looks of it." Damon cut in, eyes moving from the surrounding scene to the surrounding beings. "There are five syringes including that one." all the vampires flinched at the thought and it told both hunters that even for a vampire Caroline had shown some serious steel but continuing on how she had.

"Is he actually dead?" Dean asked, pointing over his shoulder at Crowley's body, "Seemed a bit too easy."

Klaus just shrugged. "That's because it was. He isn't dead. But this," he tossed down what was in his hand, letting it fall beside the body, "Will put enough fear in him to stop him from attacking her again." Before Dean could get a good look at whatever it was Klaus was waving them back towards the cars.

"Come on then, we don't want to be here when he manages to revive himself. I expect it to be messy." The brothers exchanged glances but didn't bother arguing when the other vampires left it alone.

"Where are we headed?"

"Back to New Orleans."

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