Chapter 4

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It was fair to say that Klaus was livid. He'd arrived in Mystic Falls only to discover that Stefan had not, in fact, called him right after Caroline had gone missing, but the day after, and that had been one day too many that Caroline had been missing.

Now a week had passed, and he was beginning to feel the fear that maybe she couldn't be found. Of course he knew he wouldn't give up until he knew for certain, but there was a certain smugness to Tyler, even as he tortured him, that had him on edge.

Like he had every morning since he'd arrived, Klaus made his way to the prison type room Stefan and Damon kept Tyler in, situated in the basement of the Salvatore manor.

"Good morning, Tyler. Good to see that you're prepared for todays session." he said pleasantly, smirk in place, and Tyler growled at him, eyes flashing yellow. Klaus just tsked, hand whipping out to smack into Tyler's cheek, snapping his head back painfully.

"So, perhaps today you'll tell me just why you chased Caroline into the arms of the king of hell. I know people say I'm the devil himself, but truth be told, he's actually out there, and you gave Caroline to the current king of his domain while dear old Lucy stews in the cage." he strode forward so he was close to the young hybrid chained up to the wall, arms above his head, and smiled as he forced eye contact.

"I'm going to release your hands, but you aren't going to run." he ordered, and watching as Tyler went still with the compulsion. "Instead, you're going to slowly drive your own claws into your chest until you've got your hand around your own heart. Then, if I'm still not satisfied with your answers, you're going to rip your own heart out." he said it in his smooth, seductive voice, half hoping that Tyler wouldn't answer his questions just so he would die, but the more pragmatic part of him knew that if he could get the proper answers out of the foolish child, he would be one step closer to Caroline, and that was much more important. As he'd promised, he released Tyler's wrists from their shackles, watching as he dropped to the ground, one clawed hand immediately moving to his chest. He gave a shout of pain as the claws began digging in and Klaus smiled. "Now then. Since we've proved that the vervain is out of your system, you've no choice but to answer me. So, why did you chase Caroline into a trap?"

"Because she left me for you."

"As I'd heard it, she left you ages ago, mate. That means its nothing to do with me."

"It's everything to do with you." Tyler growled. "She may have waited a few years to buy the actual ticket, but that's only because the others ran into trouble and she helped like she always does. If it hadn't been for that, she probably would've been on the first plane out." the thought was a pleasant one, but it wasn't why Klaus was there.

"Do you have any idea what sort of situation you trapped her in? Do you know what Crowley does to his victims? Torture is his trade, and you just handed him a specimen that's not only hard to kill, but is unlikely to bend to his will without a lot of pushes in that direction."

"Better than having her be with you."

The fury that swept through him was so raw he was surprised he didn't take Tyler's head off with the next blow, instead just breaking his cheekbone, causing him to howl in pain. His claws had sunk into his chest to the first knuckle, and the blood was trickling down his skin, but Klaus wasn't about to let that up.

"Next question then." he said softly, reigning in his anger. "Why did he want her?"

"Because he wants to know how to kill an original, and I told him she knew. Turns out he's pretty interested in you, Klaus, because when I mentioned that she knew you, man you should've seen how his eyes lit up. It was almost like it was Christmas."

Klaus stood, leering down at the hybrid he'd made, on his knees at his feet. No longer wanting to wait for Tyler to finish the work himself, he sped around behind him, plunging his hand into Tyler's back and yanking out again, his heart in his hand. He gave a feral grin as Tyler fell forward, dead.

"Obviously you'd forgotten, mate. I can't be killed."

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