Chapter 6

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Dean watched Caroline wake up without bothering to hide his curiosity. She looked just like a normal human, yawning and stretching, hair mussed up, eyes half hooded with sleep. She not only appeared human, but she was drop dead gorgeous. Of course, she technically was already semi dead depending on who you asked, but she sure didn't look it, not even in sleep (though the not breathing sometimes thing kinda freaked him out). She caught sight of him then, looking around in Sam's now rumpled shirt, and he wondered idly what she'd look like in his own rumpled shirt before shaking the thought from his head. Now was not the time to be remembering old flames. Especially when there was a certain angel who'd been circling his thoughts as of late. Again he shook the thought off, nodding towards the curtain.

"Sam was worried about letting the sunlight in, said something about how it would light you up like a candle so we decided to keep it shut tight."

"Probably a good idea if I were a normal vampire." she said with a sage nod, though her lips curled up into a teasing smile. God damn, he'd never met such a hot vampire before. Without even waiting a beat, she flashed out of bed and Dean found the door open beside him and Caroline standing in the doorway, light spilling over her, and hell, in that moment she looked as much like an angel as Cas had when he'd first shown up all those years before. She was smiling, he realized, eyes closed as she soaked up the sun. "You know," she murmured, breaking the silence, voice soft. "I was actually afraid that I'd never see the sun again when he had me locked up in that room." she admitted, smile still on her face, except now her bright eyes were turned on him, smiling at him in gratitude. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't just a smile that covered the surface but that lit her whole face up, beaming at him as if he was some sort of god damned hero. Of course, how could he regret saving her when that was how she thanked him?

"So what makes you so special that you can walk in the sunlight?" he asked, voice gruff as he sidled around the awkward talk about feelings and gratitude. He watched her hesitate but then she was lifting her hand, showing off the ring on it.

"It's a daylight ring. Spelled by a witch to make it so I can walk in the day."

Dean whistled. "Pretty handy rock you got there."

Caroline grinned at him.

"Got that right. My best friend made it for me." Dean raised an eyebrow but didn't push the subject. Vampires and witches being best friends, he supposed he'd heard weirder.

"Where's Sam?" Caroline asked, leaning against the doorframe, and Dean waved in the vague direction of the outside world.

"Getting supplies. Should be back any minute." she nodded, crossing her arms in front of her, the action hiking up the plaid shirt to reveal the pale golden tone of her thighs.

"Just what were you wearing when Crowley caught you?" he couldn't help but ask, and though Caroline lifted a superior brow, she answered.

"A cute little black dress. My mom and I went out for dinner and it was when I got home and she left for work that I ran into Tyler." she said the name with such venom that it wasn't hard to deduce that he was the werewolf that had chased her to Crowley.

"What were you doing with a werewolf?" Dean asked, and Caroline gave a self deprecating laugh.

"He's my ex-boyfriend." Dean gaped at her and she scowled. "What?" she demanded, and he burst out laughing, causing her to narrow her eyes.

"You dated a werewolf. A vampire and a werewolf." he laughed again and Caroline continued to scowl.

"What freakish circumstances made that happen?"

"Well in his case, he was born with the gene and it kicked in when he accidentally killed a girl from school. I helped him clean up the mess and he realized I might not be normal. Of course, I totally kicked his ass when he tried to confront me about it, but I finally ended up telling him, and I just sorta helped him through his first full moon and so on. From there, we just sort of got closer until all of a sudden we were dating." then everything changed the second Klaus came into town, but of course she didn't need to tell Dean that. No, she would be keeping her relationship with the big bad hybrid a secret until she was absolutely positive she could trust the brothers.

"What ended it?" Dean asked, and he was no longer laughing.

"I left him a while ago, but stayed in town to help out with some supernatural trouble my friends had run into. I think that made him think he had a chance. But when it all passed, I packed up my stuff. I was supposed to leave the day after he chased me out of town."

"Vindictive son of a bitch, wasn't he?"

Caroline let out a dry laugh, Crowley's torture coming full front in her thoughts. She wondered if Tyler had known just what Crowley would be like, and if he'd hoped she would die rather than be with Klaus. The thought had a shudder running through her.

"If he's still alive when I get back I'm going to kill him." she said matter-of-factly, and Dean's eyebrows winged up, mouth opening and shutting twice before he spoke.


"This isn't the first time he's nearly gotten me killed. It's just the first time he meant to do it. I don't ever plan on letting him do this again."

Dean bowed his head in acceptance, understanding where the statement was coming from. He couldn't imagine being betrayed by someone you'd loved and trusted like that.

"So where do you want to go? Since you can't go back to Mystic Falls just yet?"

"I want to get in contact with my friends." she said, and looked at Dean curiously. "Do you have a cellphone?"

Dean looked at her dubiously.

"No offence blondie but if you're going to call someone it's going to be on speaker. We don't need you giving away our position by accident." she stared at him a minute, expression blank before she nodded.

"Fine." he pulled out his phone but didn't hand it to her, instead looking at her expectantly. With a huff she rattled off a phone number and Dean watched as she grew more and more anxious the longer the phone rang. When the phone was answered by a pleasant but curious female voice, he watched her relax completely another smile filling her features.

"Elena, it's me."

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