Chapter 8

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The phone crashed into the wall and Dean glared daggers at Caroline.

"Who the hell was that?" he demanded, and she snarled.

"A friend." she was working hard to keep her fangs back in her anger, but it was a difficult fight.

"A friend? That sounded like more than a friend." Dean growled back. "Who was he?"

"It was Damon!" she shouted, the lie sleeping past her lips easier than she expected. She'd felt the thrill of hearing Klaus' voice, demanding her return to him. She'd nearly forgotten how possessive he was, but she didn't mind in the slightest. Of course, knowing that he was coming for her didn't make her suddenly decide to divulge the information she'd already planned on keeping secret.

"And why is he so set on getting you back?"

"Seriously?" she demanded. "What's with the interrogation? He's one of my best friends. He's one of the ones who would've noticed I was missing. He's one of the vampires who helped me transition." though that wasn't strictly true, there was no harm in lying at this point.

Dean just stared at her, making it clear how skeptical he was of her. It seemed he believed her enough though because he settled back with a sigh and another glare at the now broken phone. Standing, he went to collect the sim card, moving to one of the duffel bags in the corner and pulling out a new phone. Without even a thought he slid the sim card in, making the phone pretty much an exact replica of the old one.

"Do you guys always carry around extras?" Dean just shot her a look and she shrugged, mind still reeling from the conversation.

"I don't know why you're so angry with me. If you didn't want me to talk to them, why did you let me call?"

"Curiosity got the better of me. Won't happen again, that's for damn sure."

Caroline bristled at that.

"You can't just keep me cut off from the world! That isn't how this works! I agreed to come with you because it was safer, not so you could treat me like a child and keep me on lockdown." They stood there glaring at each other and it was at that moment that Sam walked in.

"Hey, what's going on here?" he asked, moving to stand between them. Caroline shot Dean another nasty look around the taller brother.

"He threatened to give me back to Crowley." she hissed, and Sam's head snapped around to look at his brother in disbelief.

"Dean!" he shouted in reprimand, and the older hunter threw up his hands.

"Hey! That's out of context! She called one of her little vamp friends and some guy came on threatening that if we didn't give her back to them he'd come after us."

"So?" Sam argued, "Of course he did. She's his friend, maybe even family. How many people have you threatened when I've been in trouble." Dean just glared, unhappy with the argument.

"He threatened to hurt Cas." Dean said quietly, but it was clear from his tone that this low tone didn't mean he wasn't still furious. At that, Sam raised a brow.

"Who is this Cas person? Is it your girlfriend? Because seriously everything I've heard makes me think you're married."

Dean practically choked but Sam burst out laughing.

"Cas is short for Castiel. He's an angel and a good friend of ours." he emphasized the 'good' with a slide of his gaze in Dean's direction that Caroline understood easily.

"So Damon threatening your boyfriend when he thought I wasn't safe made it appropriate to threaten to send me back to Crowley?" she was shaking with rage, but also fear. The threat in Dean's voice had been so real she couldn't help the fear and she resented that.

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