Chapter 12

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Caroline came to with her neck and shoulders aching. Of course, the neck made sense since hers had been snapped shortly before, but the shoulders? She shifted, trying to release the tension only to find her wrists bound behind her back. It was then that she realized that she was moving, not being carried, or dragged or anything, but moving at a steady pace, the sound of an engine meeting her ears. It didn't take long to realize she was in the trunk of a car.

"Seriously." she muttered, annoyed, and strained her wrists against the ropes. She hissed in pain as the vervain burned her skin but she didn't give in. She hadn't escaped and gotten 3/4 of the way to New Orleans just to give up. She pulled against the rope until she could feel that her skin had been burned away, and still didn't stop until she felt it snap. Her elbow banged into the roof of the trunk and she cursed but freed her wrists, feeling around the edge of the trunk for some sort of edge, or maybe a headlight. That was what they told you to do in case you were shoved in a trunk, wasn't it? Even as she started to push though the car pulled over and to a stop. Caroline went still, maneuvering her best so that she could leap out the instant the trunk opened. The instant the latch popped she was off, springing from the trunk and crashing into her kidnapper. They both hit the ground in a roll and Caroline was up first, landing on her feet in a crouch, fangs bared. She didn't recognize the vampire facing her but that didn't mean anything other than that this was a vampire and she needed to be ready. Before he could say anything she lunged, drawing them into a brief but painful fight. He managed to get a blow to her knee, kicking it in, and though she screamed in pain, she instantly snapped it back, willing it to heal faster but using it anyways, knowing she couldn't miss a beat. In retaliation, she managed to smash his shoulder in, and he howled in pain.

"Who are you?" she demanded when he tried to pull back but she just exerted pressure on the break, not letting go and not letting him up from where he was bent in front of her, arm bent back, pulling on the shattered joint.


"Seriously?" she rolled her eyes. "Tough luck. Who are you working for? Why did you grab me?"

"He's working for me, darling." she felt her whole body go stiff and without hesitation she pulled the stake from her coat and drove it through the man's back and into his heart. He collapsed, dead, and she turned to face the man of her nightmares.

"Crowley." she greeted without emotion, stake still in her hand. She was afraid but she wouldn't let it show. No, she had friends, friends who were looking for her; she had Klaus looking for her. The thought nearly had her wanting to smile but she gave away nothing.

"Hullo, Caroline. Long time no see. Ready to come back now?" unconsciously she lowered her stance, teeth becoming bared. "Well then, guess we'll be doing this the hard way." Caroline didn't react other than to eye the forests carefully. A dozen demons were approaching her, and with only a stake, she'd be in trouble. With a silent prayer to both her friends and the Winchesters, she hoped she'd be found soon.

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