Chapter 13

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The sound of a car drew the attention of both Winchesters and they both watched as three figures climbed out of the car. First out was a black haired, blue eyed guy with a chiselled face, next a girl with an adorable yet sexy face, long limbs, and flowing brown curls who Dean assumed was the girlfriend/best friend Elena. Last out of the car was another man with what Dean could only call 'perfect twilight hair' and the thought made him smirk.

"Alright, well I'm Damon, this is Elena, and that over there is Stefan." Introduced, giving a no nonsense smile, and Dean frowned.

"Hold on a minute, if you're Damon, who was Mr. Accent on the phone?"

Damon chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Oh that? Yeah I guess we left that part out. That would be Klaus. You know, Nicklaus Mikaelson; the vampire your king of hell wants dead?" as if on cue, Klaus slipped out of the car, strolling forward as he took in their surroundings.

"Dean, Sam." he greeted, deadly smirk back on his face. Sam and Dean exchanged glances, surprised by the turn of events.

"So you're Klaus." Sam stated, and the original rolled his eyes.


"The original vampire that Caroline claimed to know nothing about?"

Klaus' smirk reappeared, but it was deadlier than ever.


Dean was watching the original carefully, and Elena stepped forward, between them, surprising everyone.

"Look, let's just get this out in the open. Caroline's in love with Klaus. She was going to find him and that's why Tyler chased her into Crowley." Dean's gaze snapped to her in shock.

"Are you serious?"

"No, she's lying to you. Dumb ass." Damon quipped, and Dean narrowed his eyes at Damon.

"Look pretty boy-"

"Ooo. Did you hear that, Stefan? I'm the pretty boy now."

"Damon," his brother tried to cut in, already resigned with where this was going, and his brother shrugged him off with a murderous grin.

"No, Stefan. I'd really like to hear what Dean has to say. I mean sure these two are supposed to be the best two hunters around, but if that were true, then where the hell is Caroline?" he shouted, and Elena was beside him in an instant, an arm hooking around his waist, anchoring him. He glanced down at her, clearly debating whether to stay or to rush the hunters, but something in her expression stilled him.

"Well. Now that the dramatics are out of the way," Klaus began, drawing everyone's attention. "I'd like you to tell me everything you know about Crowley. If he does have Caroline again, there is no way I will let him live for having touched her."

"Man you're a week late, dude. You should've seen the shape she was in when we found her. He'd done so much damage she had holes in her hand and was covered in burns for hours." Elena gasped, the brothers shared a knowing glance, but Klaus just stood completely still, staring at the older hunter.

"Is this a game to you?" Klaus asked in a low voice, and Dean's lips twitched into a smile.

"Well, I don't know what you know about Crowley, Klaus," he said the name as if he couldn't believe his own ears, "But he can't be killed. Trust me, we've tried. And so have hundreds of others. Hell, we even burned his bones. Nothing. He's invincible."

"No one's invincible."

"We've heard you are." Klaus laughed.

"That's because I'm an original vampire, mate. Crowley's just a crossroads demon who crawled his way up the ladder. I'm centuries older than him, I have a few tricks up my sleeves that fragile humans like yourselves couldn't possibly understand." Dean looked about ready to attack when Sam grabbed his arm.

"We should head out. I'm worried about Caroline. If this was Crowley, he'll either already have her, or be trying to get her back right this instant, so we need to move if we want to have any chance at finding her before he can start torturing her again." he seemed to wince at the memory and that was enough for the others.

"Let's get on with it then, shall we? Mind if I ride with you boys?" Klaus asked with a smirk, and Sam nodded, having a few questions of his own he wanted to ask.

"Sounds good to me." Sam agreed, already heading for the impala, and though Dean frowned, he didn't argue. Even he had to agree that the sooner they found Caroline the better. In fact, he had a few choice words he wanted to share with her.

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