Chapter 17

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"Do you think we'll ever see her again?" Sam asked, and Dean glanced away from the road to look over at his brother. They'd left New Orleans behind already but only just and it wasn't hard to see where his brothers mind was.

"I hope not," Dean grumbled, though they both knew it wasn't true, "Damn vampire was a pain in my ass." Sam just snorted out a laugh.

"You only say that cause she caught you and Cas in a compromising position."

Dean scrunched up his face in disbelief. "Compromising posi- are you kidding me, Sammy?" he demanded, and that only made Sam laugh harder. "yeah, keep laughing. You'll be laughing all the way back to the big bad originals front door to tell them you volunteered to be breakfast." he caught Sam's eye roll from the corner of his eye and smirked, glancing in the rearview mirror.

"You didn't answer my question, Dean." Sam noted, and Dean just heaved a sigh.

"We just got rid of the blood sucker. You could at least be a little relieved we aren't travelling around with a monster who wants to drain us dry anymore."

"Caroline had no interest in 'draining us dry'." Sam reprimanded, clearly wanting an answer, and Dean just let out a huff.

"Come on man, I don't know. Maybe we will, maybe we won't." Sam glanced out the window, clearly lost in thought. When he finally spoke, it sounded almost wistful.

"I hope we do."

Dean just stared a moment before giving his customary snort of disbelief.

"This coming from the dude who didn't want any monsters within a hundred feet of him."

"Yeah, well people change, Dean."

Dean just rolled his eyes, but he wouldn't say he wasn't happy about the thought. He remembered what Sam had been like with Benny, and it was nice to see that Sam had gotten over that particular prejudice. He wondered if it was because she'd been human not so long ago, but he didn't want to jinx it by asking.

"Chances are, we'll cross paths again. Blondie liked you, and it certainly isn't a bad to have an original vampire on hand." Sam smirked but didn't respond, still looking out the window. In truth, Dean did think they'd cross paths again. It was a small world after all, and hell if Caroline hadn't presented them with a challenge. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he hoped they'd run into each other again too. It had proved an interesting few days, and hell, they were always up for some excitement. Sam's phone rang in that instant, and he answered it easily.

"Hey Bobby, what have you got?" and just like that, they were back to how they'd always been.

The End

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