Chapter 11

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It wasn't even the designated time when Elena's phone was ringing and she answered it, setting it onto the middle of the table.

"Care?" she asked, anxious, and the voice that replied was the gruff male voice they'd heard earlier. This was Dean.

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm not Caroline."

"And where, pray tell, is she?" Klaus demanded, voice dangerously smooth.

"You're the one who threatens everyone, so does that make Damon?" Dean's voice asked, and Damon himself laughed.

"Damon's the one who threatens everyone, is he?" the real Damon laughed, glancing at Elena who just rolled her eyes but smiled.

"That's what Caroline said. Stefan's the bunny eater, Damon's the one who threatens everyone, and Elena's the girlfriend. And something about a brother complex." he grumbled, and Klaus knew exactly what Caroline had meant by it but he didn't have time to be amused.

"Where is she, Dean? Don't make me ask again." he said softly, and there was a pause.

"That's the thing. We don't know. We were attacked by a bunch of vamps about three hours out and we'd pretty much killed all of them, well Caroline did, she's pretty badass, gotta say, and then when we thought they were all down this, well, I'm guessing it was another vamp cause it rushed out of nowhere, snapped her neck and then disappeared with her."

"Are you telling me that after you made the decision to take the long route and not allow us to come and get her ourselves, she was taken from right under your nose?" Klaus was furious, hands gripped so tightly into fists that his knuckles were white.

"Listen here, you son of a bitch, unless you want to take the blame for not realizing that werewolf bastard had a loose screw and letting him chase her off in the first place, maybe you can just calm the hell down."

"Boys." Elena cut in, looking sharply at Klaus and the phone. "This is getting us nowhere. Do you know if the vampires were associated with Crowley?"

"There was a demon with them so yeah, and hell did Caroline do a number on him. Compelled him to stay in the body while she drained it then snapped his neck.

"Oooh, love it when blondie gets nasty."

"And who are you again?" Came the unamused question, and Damon paused for thought.

"I'm the cute bunny eating one." he said easily, earning a snort from Elena and a roll of the eyes from Stefan.

"Right," Dean drawled, then he paused, pulling the phone from his ear. "Hey, Sammy! How's it going over there?" in response there was a gurgling sound followed by chanting. A few minutes later there was a scream, a rush of air, and then the second voice drew closer.

"Done. They were definitely Crowley's. Though it's kind of weird, don't you think? That he hired the same type of vampire to catch a vampire? I mean, if all he wanted was information, he could get that from anywhere."

"Unless he knows Caroline has specific information he can't get elsewhere." Klaus interjected from his end, and both men on the other end went silent.

"You seem to know an awful lot on the subject." was the eventual reply, and Klaus smirked, all three of his companions recognizing it as dangerous.

"You have no idea, mate." he paused, considering, before he spoke again. "You're going to tell us where you are. We're going to meet you there and then we are going to find Caroline. Is that understood?" it was clear that Dean was about to snap back when the sound of the phone being jostled met their ears and the voice of the other hunter rang through.

"Understood." he gave the highway and how far they were from the next exit. "She disappeared within the last ten minutes. Don't know where they went but we're going to start looking. We'll see you when you get here." the phone hung up and Klaus was immediately on his feet.

"Well then," he clapped his hands together. "Shall we?"

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