Chapter 9 ~ Heh It's Splinters Fault...

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~ Chapter 9 ~

I can't tell you I wasn't curious still about this whole Yin and Yang concept stuff.

It was like someone gave me the machine to switch me back but said, "You must understand how this was made before you can switch back."

I gotta know! But, unfortunately Venus HAD to shut down the conversation whenever I brought it up when we were alone.

"It simply is not your problem," She had told me.

I clenched my fist, well Raph's fist, and stomped out of the room.

All this was bubbling through my head when Clover grabbed my shoulders.


I jumped and glared at her. "Why ya little..."

She screamed and ran.

I tried to run after her but my feet HAD to be turtle feet and I face planted from tripping on them.

Raph took this as a opportunity to show me up.

He jumped off the couch and ran after Clover. "Don't worry Peachie. Let a real man handle this!"

(for Becca...FT, Elfman)

He zipped past me and laughed MY laugh. "Wow! Bein' a human let's ya run faster!"

That was what he thought until he didn't notice the wall in front of him and rammed into it.

I snorted. "Watch out, Greenie. There is a wall there."

Raph growled and stood up. "Wutever..."

I smirked and glanced at Bekka who was still...sorry I was looking at Bekka's body which Leo was in.

Bekka was calming observing this and trying not to smirk.

I sighed and twirled Raph's tattered red mask around one of my two fingers and thumb.

"This is kind of nice being in a turtles body," Bekka said at last.

I stared at her. "How?"

"We don't have to go to school, they do."

That sentence brightened my day as a smile curled along my lips.

Raph stared at her. "Us? Goin' to school?"

Leo shook his head. "No way."

Master Splinter appeared. "Oh really, Leonardo? Do you want them to fall behind in their studies?" He asked. "You may go to school and bring back their school work."

Leo became flustered but bowed. "Hai, Sensei."

We smiled.

"April can bring you!" Bekka said happily.

"Bring who where?"

We turned and say April at the Lair entrance.

I smirked. "Nice timing. Ya get to bring Greenie and Leo to school."

April sighed. "Well, I got my drivers licenses and I'm driving. Casey called shot gun and Irma's in the back."

I tossed Raph my duffle bag and Bekka handed Leo her snitch bag.

"Good luck!" I said as they left.

Bekka smiled. "Fairy Tail time!"

I smirked. "I still gotta catch up on a few episodes."

"How many?"

I shrugged. "Oh, ten something."

Bekka smiled. "Heh, sucks to be you!"

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