Chapter 7

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Gracie POV
Awww Matthew and Courtney are really hitting it off. I hope they become close (but not replace me).

Out in the distance I see Courtney pulling Matt into the line for the ferris wheel. Me and the Jacks are just walking around. Then Jack J says "wanna jump off the rock?"

"I dont know, where is it?" I ask.

Jack G tells me "its just a short walk down to the other side of the beach"

I stand there and say "sure, but I need to tell Courtney" I look up to the ferris wheel and see two teenagers, it must be them. "Never mind, the love birds wont even notice were gone" I say laughing. I question the Jacks about this "rock" I ask them what its all about.

Jack G POV

Wow this is the first girl who is willing to jump off the rock, and she doesn't even know what it is!

She asked us what it was so I point to the other side of the beach and in the distance you can see this big cliff, and I try to describe it to her "See that drop? Thats the rock, we go to the top and jump."

She looks at us like were crazy but also looks pretty excited, "Its dark out and I don't even have a bathing suit!

Jack J chimes in "jump naked" but then he THANKFULLY recovers saying "or nah"

She laughs to him "yeah I dont think ill be jumping naked" Were almost there, I help Gracie climb the steep path to the top. She starts to fall back. Wheeeew I caught her.

Gracie POV
We start to make our way up the very, steep path. Jack J leading and Jack G is right behind me, I feel myself start falling back, then I realize IM AM NOW IN THE ARMS OF JACK GILINSKY!

I look up at his smile and thank him.

Finally we are standing on the edge of a cliff. Right below us there is a big drop, about 20 yards. I look over to Jack J and he asks me "are you scared???"

I think what to say but "Nahhh are you" comes out of my mouth.

Jack G yells "are we gonna do this or not?!" what am I going to do?

I dont have a bathing suit, well its pretty dark out. I see the Jacks take off there shirts and ZAYUM they are attractive. I decide to leave my shorts and bandeau on (its dark so they cant really see me)

We leave the rest of our clothes on the grass and walk to the edge. I look down and see a big dark ocean below me. I look over to my left and see the busy board walk with all the lights. The Jacks get on either side of me and take my hands. Jack Johnson asks us if were ready.

I answer "no but Lets gooo" Jack G adds "Hey Jack, its going to be a pretty good summer with this daredevil" We all laugh, then I think about Matthew and Courtney.

Where are they? What are they doing? He better not hurt my best friend or I'll break his face. I really don't care about how pretty it is.

But then the guys interrupt my thoughts by yelling "Three, two, onee!!"

We all jump with our hands connected and throw our arms in the air and scream.

Holy frick. I'm jumping. into the pacific. With JACK JOHNSON AND JACK GILINSKY! Thank you Jesus for California.

SPLASSHH all three of us sunk down, then raced up to catch our breath. We all race over to the beach. I was freezing and only wearing shorts and a bandeau. Jack J offered to run up and get our stuff. "Yas please" I responded to him.

Jack G POV
Holy cow! I think to myself, Gracie really just jumped off the rock when she didn't even know what it was or how high or even if there was water at the bottom.

Girls that have lived here there whole entire lives haven't even jumped! She's defiantly a keeper (in a friend kind of way haha).

While Jack J is getting our stuff I notice Gracie looks cold, after all she is standing there soaking wet in just shorts and her bra.

I break the silence and ask her, "do you play any sports?"

"yeah" she says, "I play soccer and I used to be on a swim team back home and also I play lacrosse, do you play any?".

Wow shes athletic. I tell her "I play football and also lacrosse and Im on the swim team too."

We have alot in common, I think we will become good friends, ive always wanted to have a best friend that was a girl that I know I can trust with anything.

Gracie POV
Me and Jack G have a lot in common, i think to myself. He seems like a really nice guy.

Jack J comes running down the path with all of our stuff.

I quickly put my shirt on, but im still very cold.

Then Jack J says "Lets go back to the boardwalk, Im so thirsty." Me and Jack G agree to go.

We quickly walk all the way to the other side of the beach and walk up to the boardwalk.

When Jack G notices that Im cold and he tells me "Im going to buy you a sweatshirt"

"No, Jack its ok but thanks" before I know it, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and runs me over to a little shop that sells teeshirts and sweatshirts.

"which one do you want?" he questions me, I tell him "No Jack Its fine I dont need-" but he already picked out a large light blue sweatshirt with black letters that say "Hipsta Please"

Jack comes over and gives it to me. "awwwww thanks so much! I love it. But you really didn't have to!" I tell him.

I put it on and its very over sized, but Its super comfy.

Us three start to walk out to the end of the board walk with me in the middle and our arms over each others shoulders.

Finally, we get out to the end and sit down.

do you want to play truth or dare?" I ask then.

They responded at the exact same time with "Yaaaaas".

"Ill start!!!" I say, "Jack J, truth or dare?" And he chose dare!!

I spend about a minute trying to think about a good dare. Finally I dare him to go spy on Matthew and Courtney. Jack J accepts it.

Jack J POV
I cant believe Gracie dared me to go spy on Matt and Courtney.

I start to speed walk down the pier looking for the two. Finally I spot them they are sitting on a bench eating ice cream.

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