Chapter 118

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Courtney POV

I wake up and its friday! Were going camping later today.

I smell bacon, Gracie never wakes up this early so Im wondering who is downstairs. I grab my baseball bat from under my bed and quietly go downstairs. I look in the kitchen and see Jack Gilinsky.

"Oh hey Jack, why are you here?" I ask

"Good morning, and I wanted to make breakfast for Gracie because she helped me last night" He says

"Awwww! what happened?" I exclaim

"Well we had some beer and I was about to drive home but she yelled at me and wouldn't let me leave. I thought she was over reacting but she actually saved my ass" he explains

"Yeah, before my dad married her mom, when she was about seven, her older brother who was about Hayes's age was in the car that got hit by a drunk driver. He was killed, her dad left them and ever since then she feels like shes not good enough " I tell him

"Whoah, I feel so bad" He admits

"Dont tell her I told you, treat her like you always do. She didn't over react, she just doesn't want to loose another person she loves" I say

"She loves me?" he asks

"Your so stupid!" I yell grabbing a piece of bacon then running back upstairs.

I put on black leggings and a floral flowy tank top. I put my dark hair in braids last night so its wavy. I start putting on makeup and just as I swipe on mascara I hear a smoke detector go off. I run down the hall and bump into Gracie, sprinting out of her room. I decide to let her go down alone to find Jack burning down our house.

I wait until she gets down stairs, then I go down incase our house is on fire. I peek my head into the kitchen and Gracie is on Jacks shoulders trying to get the smoke detector to shut off. I quickly take a picture with out them noticing. Finally it shuts off.

"What happened?" She laughs

"I guess I burned the eggs" He says

"You didn't have to make me breakfast tho" Gracie giggles

"Its the least I could do after what happened last night" he smiles

"Ill help you clean up then I have to get ready, we're gonna be late" she tells him


I quietly sprint back upstairs and yell back down "KAY" so they dont know I was creepin. I text Matt asking for a ride then finish my makeup. At 7:15 I put on white flip flops and grab my bag. I go down stairs and run across the street to Matts house.

On the third knock Matt opens the door and pulls me into his living room.

"Your early" he exclaims

"I know"

"I miss you" He says sadly

"Matt, I see you everyday" I tell him confused

"Yeah I know but you have cheer and I have football so we don't get to spend as much time together" He puts one hand on my hip

I put my hand on his cheek "We have this weekend"

"And right now" he smirks

He places his other hand on my other hip and pulls me closer. I link my hands behind his neck and lean up to him. Our lips gently touch, the kiss lasts about a minute until I pull away.

"Camping is gonna be fuuun" he chuckles

"Its the only thing getting me through school today" I groan

He takes my hand and we walk out the door.

We get to school on time, we're in the same homeroom so we just go there. After homeroom I go to math, then science, then history, then art, now to lunch. As grab my lunch bag from my locker someone hugs me from behind. I look back at Matt. "Hi babe" I quickly peck his cheek, making sure no one sees.

"Shall we go to lunch?" he asks interlocking our fingers

We get to the cafeteria and sit at our usual table with Maeve, Shawn, Carter, Aaron and Julia. I eat my peanut butter and Nutella sandwich then steal Matts pretzels.

After lunch I go to my last three classes then go to Matts locker.

"Lets go" I yell pulling him down the hall way

"Im so excited for camping" Matt tells me

"I still have to pack" I groan

"Just bring a sweatshirt, bathingsuit, sweatpants, shorts and a few tee shirts" He says opening the door for me

"Kk bae" I smile

We get in his car and he starts driving.

"Do you know who's car we're taking?" He asks

"Sams mom has one of those big Suburbans so we can all fit. Then Gilinsky is taking his truck and bringing a canoe and chairs and stuff" I tell him


We get to Matts then I run across to my house. The car is home so that means Gracies home. I walk in and her and Jack on the couch wrestling.

"How'd you get home so fast?" I ask

They look at each other and start laughing

"did you guys really ditch?" I question

"Ooops" Gracie giggles


Im smart and care about school but she just doesn't. I try to tell her to start caring but she doesn't listen.

I go to my room and look for my pineapple bag. I cant find it.

"Wheres my pineapple bag?" I scream

"Attic" Gracie yells to me

I pull the stairs down from the ceiling and climb up. I turn on the light and start looking through boxes. I finally find it, I also bring down Gracies Underarmor duffle bag.

I put my bathing suit, shorts, yogas, a few shirts and sweatshirts in the bag.

Ive never really been a huge fan of camping but it will be fun with everyone.

Sam is picking us up at 4:30, now its 2:30.

I put all my stuff out on the front porch and sit down. If Matt sees me I know he'll come over.

After 10 minutes or so, I see him walk out of his front door having a hard time carrying everything. He walks across the street and up onto the porch.

"Now that was a struggle" He huffs falling back in a chair

I laugh at him.

The front door opens, Gracie and Jack walk out with every blanket in the house in there arms. They put them near our bags.

"Why do you have all those?" I ask

"We only have one tent so we all have to squeeze in, sleeping bags take up too much room so we're all cuddling tonight" She explains

"Oh god"

"Yeah now we have to go to my house and pack up my truck, then we'll meet everyone here at 4:30?" Jack tells us

"Sounds like a plan" Matt chimes in

They both start walking to Jacks.

Sam pulls into the drive way just as me and Matt are discussing what is gonna happen next in Finding Carter.

We take our bags and all the blankets and stuff them into the trunk. Jack, Hayes and Gracie drive up in Jacks truck. The back has a big canoe and the tent and chairs and food and other things in it. They open the window and Jack yells "We'll meet you there!"

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