Chapter 4) Memories, Murders and Capture

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Peso's POV: Kate had stopped along our way to take a message. She had mentioned that Windfell was a very busy place usually. I believed her, don't get me wrong. But there was no one here. It was like a ghost town.

Kate's grip tightened around my hand, as did mine around hers. She finished her call and turned towards me.

"Where is everyone?" I whispered. Kate shook her head. It was clear that she didn't know.

I sighed. Kate did as well. "We'd better go search for signs of Dashi. Not to mention Damien and the others."

This comment took me by surprise. "What makes you think that they would come here?" I asked.

Kate looked at her feet sheepishly. "I've been doing some reading on criminal psychology ever since the incident. Apparently, when stressed, criminals often go back to familiar places. And Windfell is one that they all have in common." She replied, her voice barely more audible than an inhale.

I nodded. It made sense. "Well, then... If Dashi is here, we better find her fast. Where would someone searching for truth go?" I asked.

Kate shrugged. "Maybe the Hall of Records in City Hall?" she offered. Once again, the logic made sense.

The two of us, still hand in hand, then made our way towards City Hall on the strangely deserted island.


Dani's POV: I was running, sprinting through the town that my mind remembered so clearly in my false memories of this place. Dashi grew up here too, so at least all my past isn't a complete lie, but I didn't really live here. I never really lived anywhere.

But it sure felt like I did.

I found myself screaming their names, out into the cool crisp air of the early afternoon in the deserted town. My mum, my dad, my friends. His name. Because there's one thing I never told Shellington, even when every day he grilled me on any new memories that I had acquired since the Octopod. New fragments of my past came to me each day, some tiny and insignificant, some momentous.

I never told Shellington about him.

Even when I remembered getting a boyfriend after I came out of university, I couldn't bring myself to tell the sea otter, who was obviously completely in love with Dashi, the girl whos body I've accidentally inhabited. He still believed I was her, so if I told him Dani had a boyfriend, six years ago - it would doubtless break him apart. And even though I hated him for not seeing me as an individual person, for just seeing me as a cheap copy of Dashi, I still felt an inexplicable connection to him. Like I couldn't bring myself to hurt him.

But I was Dani now, not Dashi. An individual person, with my own hidden past that I must discover. I can't let Shellington drag me down. I must find Dani's boyfriend, the one that she loves. That I love, even though I've only just remembered him. Not Dashi's boyfriend who pines after her and uses me to get her back.

Then I heard the footsteps behind me.


Lupo's POV: I smirked as Cera, Fiona, Damien, and I followed my dear cousin. Poor Dashi. She had cut her hair, trying to change how she looked. To separate herself from the real Dashi, no doubt.

We had all taken different roads, planning to surround her at an intersection. It was coming up quickly.

Then something happened that I wasn't expecting. She turned around and her eyes widened. She didn't cry out though.

I smirked. "Trying to find out the truth, are you?" I taunted. She glared at me. "Don't speak to me. Don't look at me. Don't even think about me. I hate you, Lupo." She replied shortly before bolting off.

I frowned. She wouldn't get away that easily. She would be a good prize, almost certainly luring the others to us. Christian had lured Barnacles, Shellington, and Kate back to the Island of Fear about a month ago, but we were already long gone by then. We needed more bait to lead them to us.

Eventually, I heard Dashi call out. I smirked. It seemed as though Cera had caught our prize. Now we just had to set the traps.


Selene's POV: Chills ran down my spine as I looked at the familiar records on the screen of Lupo, my ex-husband. I already knew what he's done, but seeing it in print is so much more terrifying and real.

I avoided looking at the figure of the number of people Lupo's killed, not wanting to see. But my eyes slid down to a photograph of a crumpled piece of paper at the bottom of the screen. It's addressed to Dashi, and I realised I had seen this letter before. I knew Dashi had shown it to Shellington too.

"Dear Ms Dashi Dog,

We regret to inform you that your mother, Delilah Dog, was found dead in her home this 19th of June. Authorities have already found the culprit responsible for this horrible tragedy: Lupo Wolf, age 28. He has been arrested for murder and has been sentenced to life in prison."

I stopped reading here, simply because I knew Dani will have read this prior to this, and the knowledge that she now has will either crush her or fill her with fury. Dashi learnt to accept it, over time and with help from her friends. Dani had no such luxury; she was alone and on the run, with false memories and a six year gap in her recent memory. And Lupo Wolf was on this island after her.

"Oh God," I breathed aloud. "Dani knows. She knows that Lupo killed Dashi's mother. And now she'll hate him even more."

Shellington looked resolute. "It doesn't make any difference. She's still not Dashi. She just better not harm Dashi's body on some stupid revenge mission."

I sighed. "Shellington, Dani is scared and furious and alone. We need to help her. I know you don't like her, but we don't like Lupo even more."

Barnacles nodded, looking haunted by the recent knowledge. "We have to concentrate. Let's go find Peso and Kate then try and help Dani."


Cera's POV:

It seemed too easy. The dog, Dashi, was running right to me. I smirked. Well, catching her was going to be a lot easier then I thought.

She turned from seeing if anyone was following her, and shouted when she saw me. I ran towards the dog and grabbed her arm. Dashi took out a pocketknife with her other paw and stabbed my hand. I winced, but didn't let go like she may have expected. I was stronger than that.

I grabbed her other arm and pinned both of them behind her back. The stubborn dog growled and sent a backkick at my gut. She couldn't aim it well though, and besides, she was at my mercy.

Eventually, she stopped struggling. "What do you four freaks want from me?" She asked with a sharp tone to her voice, as Damien, Fiona, and Lupo came into view.

Fiona chuckled. "Well, we want the Octonauts, of course. And you will help us get them, along with Christian." The dog girl growled once more.


Meanwhile, a gray raccoon who had witnessed the event gasped. She had to find someone to help!

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