Chapter 27) Making the Ascent

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Dani's POV:

My eyes were closed tight, as I was not in the mood to see what was going on around me. The dark was better.

I knew they were here. That much was obvious. They had come for Christian, no doubt.

But what about me?

"Yes, they came for us, too!" A voice at the back of my mind responded. It was a soft voice, filled with slight exasperation, one that I didn't think I had ever heard before. Yet familiar all the same.

I knew it was her.

"Dashi?" I thought to myself. "Is that you?"

"You can hear me?!" the voice responded.

"Yes, I can. I'm not sure how though. I didn't think you were still... around."

"Well, I am, or so it seems. I'm glad to have someone to talk to. But we need to get out of here."

I sighed. "I know. But I can't come up with a plan to escape." I replied. This was incredibly weird, and if I were a normal person, I probably would have been freaking out. But hey, why not?

"Well, look around. I see a screw on the ground. It seems to be bade of iron. That means it's magnetic. It might be able to mess with the magnetic fields surrounding the locks." she (I? Was she me? Was I her? I didn't know anymore.) replied.

I thought about it, and I realized it made sense.

I voiced these suggestions to Christian.

Now, we had an escape plan.


Tunip's POV: All the crew had suddenly began to talk at once, as if desperate to fill the tense silence of the tiny room that we barely all fitted into. "We have to find the dungeon!" Elena was reiterating loudly. "We have to find Christian, Dashi and Shellington."

"I agree with Tweak," Kwazii said somewhat apologetically. "If we can trap the villains in their own plane, we stand a chance of getting them arrested."

"Oh, because that worked so well last time," Kate retorted grumpily.

"There might not even be a plane!" realized Peso.

Both Selene and Barnacles had raised their hands and were trying to cajole the group back into silence, which slowly began to take effect. "Guys, arguing amongst ourselves won't get anything done," reasoned the female captain. "We need to do something. And we're not splitting up. We made that mistake back on the Island of Fear."

I gazed worriedly at Eelean, who blinked back at me. "What do you think?" I asked quietly, fearing I already knew the answer but needing to ask it anyway.

Surprisingly, the black Vegimal had an odd sort of acceptance in her eyes. "Every part of me says down, to find and rescue Christian," she whispered back to me. "But I think we should find that plane. If Tweak says there is one, then I believe her. And if we can trap the villains, it'll be a whole lot easier and safer to rescue them then."

I only realized that the whole room had silenced again when we both looked up and saw everyone's gazes on the pair of us. A faint glow came to Eelean's dark cheeks. "That's only my opinion," she murmured shyly, pressing against me for comfort.

"I think everyone might be in agreement," confirmed Barnacles after a moment studying the faces of his crew and family. "We go up? As Eelean rightly says, rescue will be nearly impossible in our position. We have numbers but that didn't stop the villains before. And we must try to prevent anyone getting hurt."

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