➳chapter seven➳

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I let the door slam behind me. Wyatt and Jaeden could open it themselves. My mom called after me, but I ignored her and stomped all the way upstairs, throwing my bags on my bedroom floor.

I could hear my mom questioning the boys through my open door, but they said that they'd explain later and that they needed to be with me. Fuck that, I'm not a child.

They shuffled into my room, sitting beside me and letting me gather my thoughts. "I shouldn't be mad."

"Yes you should!" Jaeden insisted, Wyatt nodding his head solemnly. They both still looked pissed.

"No, he didn't do anything. I'm just salty he was on a date with a very nice girl that would probably be way better for him than me," I lamented, sounding pathetic and unlike my usual self.

"Excuse me, Jack, but did you not hear what she said? "Recognized you," like we weren't even worth the title of acquaintances. You are his best friend Jack, you've always been a combo deal," I could tell he was keeping his cool for my sake.

"It's always been Jack and Finn, but lately it seems like he's throwing that away for a girl."

"It's okay, guys. I'm fine, he can do whatever he wants," my voice was barely above a whisper.

Jaeden frowned. He opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by my mom walking in. "Jack? Are you okay? What happened?"

"It's nothing mom, I just don't think I'll be sleeping over at Finn's tomorrow," I smiled, forcing myself to hold a steady voice.

She looked concerned. We hadn't missed a sleepover in years. "Did something happen? Did he do something to you?"

"What? No! He's-he's just busy!" Wyatt gave me a look, but I ignored it. I didn't need my mom beating Finn up, I didn't doubt that she would.

I saw her eyes linger with suspicion but then soften. "Hm. Fine. Anyway, what are all these bags? You've never shopped at any of these stores," she questioned, looking over the brands. "In fact, you've never shopped at all."

My palms began to sweat and my breathing slowed before I remembered that my mom had always said she accepted anything. I hoped that was true.

"I just, uh, I decided to get some new clothes?" I answered hesitantly, feeling two comforting hands on my back.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go, show me!" She pulled me up, taking my spot on the bed and shooing me away.

I put on the black skirt with the pink sweater. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before turning the handle to my bedroom. It was quiet for a few moments.

"Oh...honey, you look gorgeous," my mom whispered disbelievingly, her eyes glistening. "That's a very nice skirt, it suits you," she smiled, wiping her eyes.

"Th- thank you, Mom," I pulled her into a hug, my eyes watering as well. Jaeden and Wyatt stood up to stand in the hall, patting me on the back.

"Your dad's gonna have a heart attack when he gets home though," she giggled. "He's gonna think that skirt is way too short!"

I giggled with her. "I'm sure I'll get him to overlook it."

She stood up, holding me by the shoulders and looking down at me. "I'm very proud to have such a beautiful and confident son. Now, I'm gonna go finish making dinner. I'll call you when your father gets here, okay? Wyatt and Jaeden are welcome to stay."

Three days later, I woke up to my phone buzzing repeatedly. Wyatt and Jaeden slept on either side of me, and when I checked the time it was 3 AM. I was ready to kill anyone who thought it was smart to text me so late.

I unlocked my phone, my face dropping as I got out of bed so that I didn't wake the boys.

Finnie: I'm sorry

Finnie: I was being such an idiot that day

Finnie: I shouldn't have yelled at you or kicked you out cause of some girl. I'm the worst best friend on the planet and I have an infinite amount of sorrow.

Finnie: I know it sounds sarcastic as shit but I miss sending you memes and you being really gay and us hanging out at my house

Finnie: I broke up with Millie. She told me she was gay, and then she told me some things about me that I started thinking about so I'm sorry.

Finnie: I'll never speak to you that way again, I'm still your best friend. 10 years and forever.

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