Temporary Person.

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Niall, Louis & Harry.

Fri, 14 Aug, 2:08pm

Niall: Hey, Lou, have you heard from Harry lately?

Louis: No, he won't answer my calls or reply to my texts.

Niall: Me either, should I try Anne?

Louis: I've already done that, she says he'll text every now and then saying 'he's fine' and that's all. She'll let me know if she hears from him again though... I think that he reads the texts and all, just when he chooses... I'm 99% sure he checks his phone just has it off most the time.

Niall: Oh, I'm really worried about him.

Louis: I am too, his mum is stressed out, she doesn't understand what Harry's going through.

Niall: What is he going through? You know, apart from you guys?

Louis: He said, before he left, that he needs time to find himself and to learn to be alone after 6 years together. He said, he doesn't know who he is anymore. He isn't himself. He left me crying on the kitchen floor begging him to stay. Harry wouldn't usually do that. It's been 6 months and I still haven't heard from him.

Niall: Do you think he knows about Eleanor?

Louis: I've texted him and let him know it's all for publicity of my new album. That the fans loved her or some bullshit.

Niall: I've begged for something, anything to know he's okay but he just didn't reply.

Louis: I know, me too.

Niall: I miss my best friend.

Louis: I miss my boyfriend. Ex boyfriend. I don't even know what we are... he technically broke up with me when he left, his last words to me were "I'm sorry, it's over, Lou".

Louis: I can't handle this. I've had private investigators try to locate him, I've told paps he's in different countries hoping that one of them will find him. He could be dead. Anne hasn't heard from him for 2 months. No one has.

Niall: He's not dead. Don't say that.

Louis: I don't want to believe he's going this long without speaking to me.

Niall: im going to add him to this conversation

Niall H, added Harry S, to the conversation.

Louis: Haz, please talk to us.

Niall: Were begging you.


Niall: Goodnight, guys. Harry please contact us.

Louis: Night, Ni. I knew he wouldn't...

           Tues, 22 Aug, 2:32am

Harry: I'm slowly coming to terms and picking up the pieces of myself and sticking them back together. I'm doing worse then I'm willing to admit but I know I'll be fine. I've realised I'm a temporary person and I can't stay in one place for a long time because last time I spent too long in one place I was broken to damn near no repair. I still shake at night full of nightmares and fear. I want to come home but I don't know where home is. I still don't really know who I am, I just know what I am. Temporary. Please don't stress about me, staying off my phone kind of makes my mind forget about my 'real world'. I miss you both...

Louis: Harry, baby, please come home, your home is here, with me.

Harry: No, Louis, that stopped being my home months ago.

Louis: Please, don't be like this. I fucking love you. I fucking miss you and I fucking need you.

Niall: My home is your home. Always.

Harry: Thanks, Niall.

Louis: Harry, please

Harry: Don't you fucking dare play the victim here.

Louis: I'm not. You're the one making such a massive deal over NOTHING. Just come home, Haz.

Harry: Over NOTHING? Lol.

Louis: I didn't do anything wrong.

Harry: Why are you lying to me?

Louis: I'm fucking not.


Louis: We were friends in school! We ran into each other at the football and he was sleeping in his fucking car! He's very much straight. We don't have a guest room and you know how uncomfortable that vintage lounge you had to have is. Nothing happened. He faced one way, I faced the other. I honestly thought he could use a good nights sleep.

Harry: I come home early to surprise you and find you in bed with another man. I was so happy to be home. Then I lost it. My already packed bag from one holiday was ready for me to leave once again. I had no where to go. But I wasn't staying there.

Louis: Do you honestly think I'd ever cheat on you? I had the worlds most perfect man all to myself, why would I fuck that up? You know what? He pulled me off the tiled floor where I literally had made a puddle of tears then he wrote you a note which is still sitting on the table waiting for you... After that he apologised to me and left. He felt dreadful but not as bad as I did.

Harry: I'll come home if you're will to take a full lie detector test and pass it.

Louis: Done. Please come home.

Harry: We'll see what the results are first.

Niall: Please make time to visit me!

Harry: Of course, Nialler xoxo

Niall: xx

Louis: I love you so much, Harry. You haven't got the slightest clue.

Harry: If you pass the test I'll believe you.

Louis: Okay! xxxxxx


I'm not sure what that was. Sorry.

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