Chapter 4

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Nightpaw bounded down the steep slope, feeling the dew-laden grass brush against his flanks and soaking through the fur on his paws. Sunpaw, Wingpaw, Moonpaw, Rainpaw, Bluepaw, Mossypaw and Ravenpaw came crashing after him through the forest. The barrier trembled as they flashed through it and skidded to halt in the clearing.

Fernstar was sharing tongues with Junipercloud, Coalfrost and Sootfall while Leafbird dozed a tail-length or two away from them. Acornfall, Flamingheart and Fernsong were sharing a large squirrel while Leopardpaw, Goldenpaw and Stonepaw tussled outside the apprentices' den. Dewslip and Petalshine were grooming each other outside the warriors' den as Twigtail and Ripplespots sorted through the fresh-kill pile. The elders were sunning themselves while Cloudtail took one for the team and told the kits stories from the Great Battle. Nightstorm, Hollytuft and Redfang were resting on the basking rocks, the remains of a pigeon scattered beside them. Willowfern and Oakshade were play fighting behind the warriors' den. Wingpaw sprang past Nightpaw and hurtled towards her parents before flinging herself into the fight. Brackenpaw scrambled to his paws from where he had been eating a mouse and pelted after his sister.

"What were you apprentices doing?" Nightpaw pricked his ears and the unexpected voice beside him. Brackenfur was sorting through the pile, but there were only a few stiff mice and a couple of squashed starlings left. "We were practicing our fighting moves in the training hollow, Brackenfur," Nightpaw replied to the old tom. He padded towards him and looked down at the meager pile. "You know, that doesn't look very tasty," Nightpaw murmured. "I'll gather some cats and go out hunting for you right now." Brackenfur's eyes lit up and he gently touched Nightpaw's forehead with his nose. "You'll be a good warrior, Nightpaw. I'm sure of it," he purred. Nightpaw glowed with pride. "Is there anything special you want?" he asked. Brackenfur looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging. "A good, nice mole would be very nice, Nightpaw." Nightpaw dipped his head before bounding over to where Featherpaw sat alone outside the medicine den.

Nightpaw felt a pang of shame for the under-sized apprentice. He'd always been kind of an outcast. "Hello, Featherpaw. How are you?" Nightpaw asked as he halted in front of the grey tabby tom. Featherpaw looked a bit startled. Nightpaw pricked his ears. "Oh, hi, Nightpaw. I'm fine, thank you." He fidgeted and glanced at Nightpaw. "Are you waiting for someone?"

Nightpaw shook his head. "No, I just wanted to check if Crowpaw wanted to go out hunting," Nightpaw explained, craning his neck to see beyond the lichen, but he couldn't see anything.

"Oh," Featherpaw mewed. "Crowpaw asked me and Stonepaw to go with her to find herbs, but Stonepaw was busy."

Nightpaw looked at the silver tabby tom for a moment before an idea popped into his head. "I promised Brackenfur I'd catch a mole for him, and I was going to ask Crowpaw if she wanted to come with me, but I guess I can tag along with you and help you find herbs while hunting."

Featherpaw nodded eagerly. "Yeah, that would be great, Nightpaw," he purred.

"I better check on her," Nightpaw mewed before padding to the entrance of the medicine den and pushing his way through the lichen.

Jayfeather was washing herbs in the pool in the back of the den while Featherheart was sorting through some tangy-smelling leaves. Crowpaw was pushing some herbs into a pile when Nightpaw entered. He padded towards her and looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing.

Crowpaw glanced uneasily at Featherheart to Jayfeather and then back again. She looked at Nightpaw before edging closer to the young medicine cat. "Psst, Featherheart, is this marigold or goldenrod?" she whispered and pointed at a pile of green stalks and yellow flowers.

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