Chapter 8

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"Wow, you caught a falcon?" Bluepaw squeaked.

Wingpaw nodded. "Yeah, but with help from the patrol, of course," she told them.

Bluepaw and Blizzardpaw exchanged glances. "Whoa," Bluepaw breathed.

"Does it taste good?" Leopardpaw asked, bounding over and skidding to halt beside them.

Wingpaw nodded. "Yeah, so good. Fernstar allowed me to have one of the wings because she said I was so brave when I caught it," she mewed.

Bluepaw stepped back as Wingpaw bounded over to Oakshade and Willowfern. The pretty cream she-cat rasped her tongue over her daughter's ears as Brackenpaw came bounding over. Bluepaw wasn't sure what he said, but he sure was happy. He touched his sister's nose before the littermates looked up at their father who purred something.

Sadness and envy sparked inside of Bluepaw. Wingpaw had a family, she was a great hunter, and she was fast, confident and funny. She watched as Wingpaw dropped into a hunting crouch, mewing something as her family watched. She then leaped forward and batted at a leaf. Brackenpaw sprang at her and they bundled together into a tussle. Willowfern leaned into Oakshade as they watched their kits play.

Bluepaw then saw a russet pelt at the edge of her vision. Her heart seemed to stop when she saw Foxtail stumbling out of the warriors' den, blinking sleep from his eyes.

Bluepaw looked away, feeling something break inside of her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She didn't want to be here, feeling as if the walls that protected her camp were crumbling down.

She turned around before slowly making her way to the entrance, passing Iceflower and Redstorm as they cuddled beside Spiderleap, who dozed in the sunlight.

Bluepaw walked through the entrance, tail drooping. Emptiness surged through her. Her eyes were dull. She ignored the branches that poked her as she made her way through the forest, brushing past bracken and brambles.

Fierce sadness welled up inside of her as she padded out onto the shore. Pebbles clattered underneath her paws as she headed to the edge of the water. The waves lapped gently at the shore.

Bluepaw looked at her reflection as she sat down. She took a deep breath before looking up at the sky. "Are you there, Silverleaf?" she whispered.

"She'll always be there."

Bluepaw whipped around in shock; pelt bushed out, at the unexpected voice. "Relax, it's just me," Iceflower mewed, padding towards her.

"I understand that you miss Silverleaf," Iceflower murmured, sighing and looking up at the sky. "I miss her too. She was my best friend."

Bluepaw gazed at the white she-cat before turning her gaze up at the sky too. "Can you tell me more about her?" she asked.

Iceflower blinked a few times, looking thoughtful. "Silverleaf was very beautiful, her beauty known throughout the clans." She glanced at Bluepaw. "I even remember that one time when a Shadowclan tom started hitting on her at a gathering," she mewed. Bluepaw gasped. "Really?" she breathed.

Iceflower nodded. "Yes, really. Silverleaf couldn't even answer because your father nudged her away and spat at the tom before your mother could say a word." She glanced down at her paws. "Your father was different when Silverleaf was alive. You know that as well as I do."

Bluepaw nodded sadly, feeling the same emptiness inside of her. "Yes."

"What do you remember about your mother, Bluepaw?"

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