Chapter 19

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Crowpaw pricked her ears when she heard a soft thump. Raising her head, she saw Featherheart curling up in his own nest through the gloom. She glanced aside to see Jayfeather already fast asleep, judging by the slow fall and rise of his flanks. But she knew she didn't have to wait long until Featherheart would fall asleep too.

Finally, his breathing slowed down. Carefully, Crowpaw rose to her paws. She slid out of her nest before pushing aside the lichen and padding into the moonlit clearing. Silverpelt blazed above, and the moon cast a luminous light upon the forest. Every blade of glass and every brittle leaf glittered with frost.

It was close to midnight, and she had promised to meet Timberhawk when the moon is highest. Crowpaw noticed Rainsong crouching in the entrance to camp. She looked to the dirtplace tunnel, but she'd rather talk to Rainsong instead of sneaking out.

Crowpaw padded up to the ginger and white she-cat, who's groggy eyes flickered open. "What do you want?" she grumbled before closing her eyes again.

"I-I can't sleep," Crowpaw told her. "I was wondering if I could take a walk?"

Rainsong opened her eyes again and gazed suspiciously at her. Crowpaw feared that she might say no for a moment, until Rainsong nodded curtly. "I'll send out searching patrols if you're not in by dawn," she told her.

Crowpaw sighed with relief. "Thank you, Rainsong," she mewed before bounding forward and into the forest.

Crowpaw fidgeted under the holly bush. It was too cold to sit still. Rising to her paws, she crawled out from under the bush and started to pace the scent line. The stars sparkled overhead, but the cold chilled her to the bone.

Pawsteps brushed the frosted forest floor a few tail lengths away. They were heavy, though she could tell that they were trying to creep lightly.

She thrust her nose into the air and took a deep breath, but she could smell nothing else than the strong scents of Thunderclan and Shadowclan markers.

Then, emerald green eyes glowed in the darkness, and Timberhawk stepped out, making Crowpaw flinch slightly.

"You spooked me!" she hissed softly at him.

Timberhawk snorted. "I thought nothing scared the great Crowpaw."

Crowpaw purred before bounding over to him and pressing herself up to his flank. She could feel the vibrations of his purrs as he lapped at her ear. "I've missed you," he murmured.

"I've missed you too," she breathed.

Then, he drew himself from her and shook his pelt. "Excited for the Night of Shadows?" he asked her.

Crowpaw batted at a dandelion. "You have no idea!" she growled playfully.

He gently butted her before brushing past her. "Come on," he mewed as he head up along the scent markers.

"Where are we going?" Crowpaw asked as she bounded after him.

"A place where no one can find us."

They headed away from the lake. The land sloped gently upward and the trees began to thin out. Crowpaw started to get breathless trying to keep up.

"You'll like this place," Timberhawk meowed as he pushed aside some ferns. He leaped up onto a fallen tree trunk and mewed down to her, "Fennelpelt and I like to visit this place sometimes."

Crowpaw pricked her ears. "Fennelpelt?" Has Fennelpaw received his warrior name? She wondered as she leaped up beside Timberhawk.

"Yeah, Fennelpelt's ceremony was yesterday," Timberhawk mewed as if he could already guess what she was thinking about.

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