Chapter 17

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Blizzardpaw bounded after Redstorm as he led her and Stonepaw through the forest. He had woken them early without telling them where they were going or why.

Featherpaw had been injured for three days, and Ripplespots' disappearance was still mourned among the cats.

Featherpaw had barely woken up anything except to be forced to eat and drink by Jayfeather and Iceflower. His leg was badly broken, and Jayfeather feared that he couldn't ever be able to walk normally again.

"He'll never be a warrior!" Blizzardpaw remembered her mother wail.

"Where are we going?" Stonepaw asked as he trotted around a holly bush.

Redstorm flicked his tail without answering.

Blizzardpaw and Stonepaw exchanged glances before hurrying after their father.

It was early dawn, and bitter frost glittered on every blade of grass and every leaf in the forest.

Finally, Redstorm halted. They were standing in front of the abandoned twoleg nest. Blizzardpaw gazed up at the red stonewalls. But apparently Redstorm had no time for pondering.

He slowly stepped forward before padding into the den. "Keep your senses alert," he murmured to them.

Blizzardpaw pricked her ears and opened her jaws to scent. Multiple scents of mice hit the roof of her mouth. She ran her tongue over her lips. She could only just barely make out her father in front of her as he led them across the nest.

Finally, he stopped. "Okay, let's try to catch something," he mewed, turning his amber eyes towards them.

Blizzardpaw pricked her ears. Was this a hunting patrol? She wondered.

Turning, she had one eye on her father as she scented the air. It didn't take long until she spotted a small grey creature scuffling around at the bottom of one of the walls.

Blizzardpaw dropped into a hunting crouch, eyes focused on the mouse. She drew herself forward, keeping her tail straight. Then, she stopped for a moment, wriggled her rump before leaping forward.

She landed silently on the mouse, killing it with a swift blow to the back of its neck.

She turned with the mouse between her jaws to see Redstorm with one in his own. Stonepaw leaped forward and a squeal was quickly cut off. Then, her brother turned with a limp body of a mouse between his jaws.

"Well done," Redstorm purred before turning his gaze to the stairs that led up to the second floor. "Follow me," he mewed.

Blizzardpaw and Stonepaw exchanged confused glances before following their father.

They neatly trotted up the stairs and came to their father lying down, his kind amber gaze turned towards them. "What is this place?" Stonepaw asked as they halted in front of Redstorm.

"This is my most favorite place in all of Thunderclan territory," Redstorm purred. "Come, sit by me," he mewed, flicking his tail and beckoning them over.

Blizzardpaw settled down by his flank while Stonepaw crouched right in front of Redstorm. The russet tom gently touched his son's ear with his nose before giving Blizzardpaw's cheek a lick.

"Look," he mewed, and nodded to where the sun was rising in front of them.

Blizzardpaw's eyes widened and she heard a little gasp of amazement from Stonepaw. Red streaks of flame set the sky ablaze. A giant ball of fire was just rising above the horizon. Blizzardpaw narrowed her eyes against the bright light. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Redstorm murmured.

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