| |Prolouge | |

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The cold spring wind blows through my hair. I grimace at the coldness and pull my hood up roughly to cover my head.

My head hangs low so I can't really see ahead of me. Suddenly I bump into what seems like two figures. I quickly look up to see men with hoods glaring at me.

"Yah!" One of them yells but I just continue to walk.

I walk towards an alley way aware of the footsteps behind me so I try to speed up.

A hand reaches out and drags me backwards slamming me into a garage door.
I let out a cry of pain as the impact winded me.

"Little kids like yourself should apologise when you run into your elders." One of the men growls reaching out gabbing my throat. I instantly throw it off me like it was an insect pestering me.

I don't say anything but stare at them both intensely.

A fist comes flying into my face sending my face left from the impact. After that one punch more follows it. Punches giving me bruises and kicks winding me. The sound of the men's rapid breath and grunts as they continue beating me like a punchbag and my moans and cries echoes through the empty alleyway. Not once do I yell 'help'. They're finally done after what seemed like a life time. I bring myself up and lean against the garage door wincing at the pain in my side. I sit there crying silently.

A short while passes and I stand up ignoring the pain and continue on my path to nowhere limping.

It's a quiet night but the anger is still burning hot in my chest. The memories from the past few hours and couple of minutes linger on my mind.

I can't think straight. I can't form a single sentence let alone a word. Processing a thought at this point was next to impossible.

I walk along the side walk with my hands tightly fit into my jumper. I hear a sudden crack in the sky. I raise my head upwards. As a single rain drops falls onto my cheek dripping down my face as a tear would. After that a downpour of rain cascades down my  face covering my whole body and the sidewalks in rain.

I keep my head hung low and continue walking to nowhere in particular. There was a slight dip in the pavement but I ignore it and continue walking.

Suddenly a bright light blinds me causing me to close my eyes. I open them slowly as I hear a deafening screech of car tires.
My eyes widen at the sight of the speeding car coming straight at me. I stand there dumbfounded and confused on what was going on as the rain begins pouring heavily.


I weakly open my eyes but everything is blurry. I see the blood trickle towards my hand lining in my vision. The darkish red substance reaches my hand I feel the warm sensation.

"Hyung..." I mutter before letting the darkness consume me.


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