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I'm back in my room on my bed. My physiotherapist, nurse, doctor and another man I've never seen before stand around my bed staring at me.

"Jimin-" Nurse Choi begins but she stops.

I wince as she says 'Jimin'.

"Jimin? Are you starting to remember things?" Doctor Wang asks pushing his glasses up his nose. "You've not spoken a word since you first woke up..." He adds.

Finally the man whom I didn't recognise steps forwards.

"Hello Jimin." He smiles. "My name is Doctor Park." He adds.


"I specialise in amnesia patients." He explains. "As far as I understand you don't remember anything that happened am I correct?" He asks pulling out a notebook and pen.

I think back.

*Car screech*

My eyes widen as I turn to look at the doctor with fearful eyes.

"Do you remember anything about your accident? Certain sounds, smells maybe feelings?" He asks.

I nod my head - a little harder than necessary to shake away the sound of tires burning on the road.

"Did you see or hear the car?" I look at him again. "Did you hear it?" I nod.

He jots something down in his notebook then looks back at me.

"I think you will start to remember things as time goes on. Littlest things will triggered memories I'm sure and when they do hopefully you'll remember your name, general age and where you came from." He says placing the notebook into his pocket.

"Mr Wang? A word please." He gestures to my doctor.

"I'll see you soon Jimin." Doctor Park says smiling as he exits. Doctor Wang follows closely behind him. After my physiotherapist passes Nurse Choi something he leaves.

I'm left in the room with just Nurse Choi. She walks over to me and hands me a pot of pills; two were a white circle, one was a yellow cylinder and the last one was a red and blue cylinder as well. I send her a questionable look but she ignores it and hands me the cup of water which is still on my desk.

I shrug and take the pills anyway. She sends me a weak smile and takes the empty pot from my hand.

"Would you like to go to the common room?" She asks me.

I really don't want to go but she takes my silence as a yes and wheels my wheelchair back over to me. I roll my eyes but sit up and throw the covers off of me. I pull myself to the end of the bed determined to be as independent as possible. I try to reach for the chair but it's more lower down that I'd anticipated. I almost fall but Nurse Choi catches me and hold me up.

I shake her off and attempt to get onto the chair on my own this time succeeding. I huff and puff from the effort. She places her hands on the handles but I turn around and glare at her.

"Sorry... You want to go on your own?" She asks.

I nod my head and start to make my way to the common room.

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