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Beep, beep, beep, beep.

What is that annoying noise?

I slowly open my eyes. The fluorescent white light burns my eyes so I quickly shut them again.

"Doctor! He's waking up!" An unfamiliar feminine voice yells.

Doctor? I think to myself confused.

I attempt to open my eyes again but slower this time succeeding. I open them squinting at the light but slowly getting use to it.

Beep, beep, beep.

"Hello sir?" A mans voice calls.

I turn my head to the right to face the man.
Is he talking to me? I think looking the man up and down. He was a oldish man perhaps in his late thirties or early forties.

"Would you like me to sit you up?" He asks.

I can't seem to talk so I slowly nod my head.
After he presses the button to sit me up I slide myself up.

"Take it easy you-"

"What the-" I mumble.

I try to pull myself up using my legs but they don't budge.

My eyes widen in fear.


The heart monitor beats faster.

"Please calm down!" The doctor yells ushering other nurses to his side.

I start to breath heavily as my breath gets caught in my throat. I'm breathing but no air is getting to my lungs.

"I-I can't feel... My legs!" I splutter.

I start to feel really sleepy.

Beep... Beep... Beep.

My eyes shut without much effort and I fall back into a deep slumber.


The nurse finally stops bothering me and leaves me to it. I turn out of my room and come face to face with an almost empty corridor.

I start to push myself in the wheelchair. I feel frustrated. Angry. Tried and most of all hopeless. I start to push myself down the corridor faster and faster and faster.

Suddenly I stop. My shoulders relax and my body slumps a little in the chair. I stare straight ahead into the eyes of a young girl who looked a little younger than me she holds her hand out in front of me like she's telling me to 'stop'.

Her black hair was tied back into a pony tail. She wore hospital clothes like I did but her jumper was a pale yellow but our trousers were the same. She has a a drip attached to her hand and on that same hand, on her wrist she has a patient ID however I cannot read the small print.

She smiles at me slowly turning her hand sideways indicating for me to shake her hand. I tilt my head to the left a little but slowly raise my hand up to meet hers shaking her hand. Her hand is cold to the touch, her palms are smooth and her box smile was genuine and familiar.

"Hi, my name is Min Hayoon." She shakes our hands still keeping them connected.

I don't reply.

"What's your name?" She asks cheerfully.

I just stare at her.

"Well... You looked like you were in a rush to get somewhere... Where were you going?" She asks finally letting our hands drop.

I put my hand back on the wheel of my wheelchair and look away.

I didn't know where I was going... I wanted to be anywhere but here in this hospital... With these doctors and nurses... And with this brain that couldn't remember anything.

"Okay... Don't answer that either... Are you hungry?" She asks me seeming to not give up on me.

Giving in slightly I nod my head barely visible but she seemed to of caught it.

"Great! Do you know where the canteen is?" She asks me. "Ah that's right... You don't talk." She corrects herself bringing her hand with the drip to her face to scrunching up her face to think.

I slightly smile at the young girl in front of me but quickly let the smile fade when her gaze drops back down onto me.

"I think I know where it is, will you follow me?" She asks the familiar box smile appearing on her face again.

I nod slowly again and she claps her hands happily.

"Let's go!" She claps enthusiastically pulling her drip with her hoping I'd follow.

I sit staring at the wall for a few minuets contemplating my next move.

Do I follow her? Or do I continue on my path to nowhere?

Reluctantly I turn around in my wheelchair and follow the bubbly girl towards the canteen.

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