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We all stand around Jungkook's bed staring blankly at his pale face - well what we can see of it. He has an oxygen mask on and a bandage wrapped tightly around his head. The only sound comes from the heart machine monitoring him and a machine to help him breath. Yoongi still refused to come in and see him. He's sat in the waiting room talking to our manger.

The first person to move is Taehyung. He walks around to the left side of Jungkook and puts his hand on top of his. He doesn't say anything but crouches down next to Jungkook's bed clutching his hand.

"You'll be fine." Taehyung mutters letting his head drop.

I feel so guilty. I should be the one who can't face Jungkook or the members not Yoongi.

"He's going to be fine." J-Hope mumbles walking over to Tae and touching his shoulder.

Namjoon turns to me with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks me stepping closer to me and looking into both my eyes.

I sigh and look away. "Jin hyung?" He says holding onto my shoulders.

"This is all my fault. He may not wake up... Even if he does he might have amnesia and on top of that he's-" I begin but I'm cut off.

"What's going on!" Taehyung yells as me and Namjoon turn around to see Jungkook shaking in the hospital bed.

Hoseok runs out of the room.

"No you can't die!" Taehyung screams holding Jungkook's hand to his chest.

I run over to Taehyung and pull him away as multiple Nurses and Doctors run in ushering us out of the room. Taehyung thrashes around in my arms so Namjoon helps me drag him out.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Taehyung shouts at me pushing me off him creating space between us.

My heart drops as he says those few words. The words that I've been thinking ever since I'd hit Jungkook.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Namjoon protests walking over to Taehyung.

"No don't come near me." He snaps walking away to a far away chair and sitting down with his head in his hands.

I can already feel myself crying yet again.

"He's upset..." Hoseok says turning to me.

"But he's right." I shrug.

"It was an accident." Namjoon says bringing me in for an embrace.

"He'll be fine, we've got to have hope." Hoseok tells me hitting my back gently.

"Excuse me?" Me and Namjoon break apart and quickly turn around to look at the doctor.

"How is he?" Hoseok asks eyes wide.

"He's stable." The doctor says.

We all let out a loud breath of relief.

"We will have to monitor him closer. We don't know when he will wake up or if he will have his memory... We also don't know if he'll be able to walk." The doctor explains to us before bowing and walking away.

"If he can't walk how will he continue being in BTS?" I mutter ruffling my hair.

"He said there was a possibility! We can't doubt our maknae at a time like this." Hoseok says trying to lighten the mood.

"Even if he does wake up there's a high chance he won't remember us..." I say letting all the negative thoughts in my head spill out.

"I... I'm sorry hyung." I feel a firm but large hand on shoulder and I realise that It's Taehyung.

I turn around and to my surprise Yoongi is next to him.

"We can't get through this if we aren't together." Namjoon says like a true leader.

"You're right..." Yoongi agrees finally lifting his head to look at us.

We all stare at each others like we're communicating without talking. We all turn around and make our way to Jungkook's room. This time Yoongi follows us.

I walk in first clutching my hands to my sides shaking. My eyes fall upon Jungkook, he looks exactly the same. A doctor stands in the corner of the room writing something down on a clipboard.

He sees us all enter and smiles kindly and bows to us.

"You must be his friends?" The doctor asks walking closer to us as Hoseok closes the door.

"Yes we are, more like family though." Hoseok corrects standing by my side.

"Well, give your mind a rest he will wake up. We have detected brain activity. So basically at the moment you could say he's just dreaming for a very long time. When he will wake up we can't determine but it should be soon." The doctor finishes explaining and waits for us to ask questions but none of us seem to be able to talk.

Finally Taehyung speaks. "... He'll be able to walk...Right?"

The doctor looks from Jungkook back to Taehyung. He scratches his neck and clutches his clipboard tighter. "It's unlikely, the part of the brain we use for walking - in Jungkook's case he hit his head very hard causing bleeding to the side of the brain we use to walk. When he got here he had surgery to stop it which was a success. We won't know the extend of the damage until he wakes up."  The doctor explains.

We all nod in response. "Excuse me." He says then bows and  walks out. We all weakly bow back.

By now it  was around five or six in the morning and by the look of all our faces we were all exhausted and hungry but no one wanted to admit it.

"Jungkook will wake up... That's all that matters at the moment." Yoongi says turning around to look at Jungkook lying helplessly in the hospital bed.

"You're right..." Taehyung agrees walking over to Jungkook's side and grabbing his hand.

This accident had changed all of us. We were already broken after a Jimin's death. There was no way we'd survive another death. We realised how important life is and how quickly it can be taken. Whether it be someone else or yourself. If we didn't learn to love our selves we'd never be able to accept Jimin's death. Or the things we'd done or nearly done. No matter what happens in the future. We still have our memories of us all together, even if one of us is now gone.


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