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"It's Christmas tomorrow!" Nurse Choi claps excitedly pulling my curtains shut.

I roll my eyes and take my cap off.

"I'll be back tomorrow to take you to your physiotherapist appointment. You've made incredible progress!" She tells me handing me a pill and water.

I look at the pill confused. It was a blue and orange capsule.

I look at her. "Hurry up Jimin!"

I slowly take some water in my mouth then put the capsule in throwing my head back to swallow them down together.

I hand her back the cup. "Goodnight Jimin." She smiles before walking out of the door sliding it shut.

I fall back on to my bed suddenly feeling really sleepy.


A piano cackles and burns. The fire burns bright as it consumes the brown piano. Random notes play as the pressure of the intense flames choose it's own melody.

But it's only briefly...

A painting for a bird covers my vision... Suddenly I hear a car crash. I jump awake sitting up in bed breathing heavily.

I look around the dark room confused trying to remember what I'd just seen in my nightmare. I sigh and let my head drop closing my eyes.

I lift my head and a light turns on above me. I can't see anything other than the bed I sleep on. A familiar voice sings a song that I've heard before. The emotion in his voice and lyrics are strong.

My notebook appears on the floor a few meters away from my bed. I get up to go and pick it up. I stare at it... Instantly remembering that It's the same picture I drew earlier today... Accept there is a bit of colour on it covering the eye.

 I hear a scrape on the ground and turn my head to the right in the same direction the noise is coming from

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I hear a scrape on the ground and turn my head to the right in the same direction the noise is coming from. The bed is being pulled away by an invisible force. I just stare at it. An easel is pushed towards me.

Everything around me shifts. The room changes from an empty void into a furnished living room. The easel is a few meters in front of me.

There's a crack of lightning in the sky then it starts to pour down with rain. Without thinking I walk towards the easel and pick up a paint brush and bring it to the canvas. It's a different picture to what I drew a few hours before and it's already got a bit of colour.

I lift the brush up the picture but stop and just stare at it. I start to feel really upset and emotional. I remember the inferno piano and drop the picture in my hand letting it fall to the ground. The easel in front of me erupts into flames. I just stare at it.

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