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Beep, beep, beep.


I open my eyes.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" A female figure hovers over me. My eyesight is blurry so I can't see. There's a oxygen mask over my face.

'Why do I have this?'

I shake my head as my eyesight starts to return.

"Jimin?" The same voice calls again.

Nurse Choi.

I drag myself to sit up in the bed. But she quickly stops me.

"Lie down Jimin. You need to rest." She mutters pulling the cover back over my body.

I turn my head just in time to see two men wheel away defibrillators. My eyes widen in shock as I lock eyes with Nurse Choi.

"How do you feel?" She asks worry lacing her voice.

I lift my hand out of the sheets and point shakily towards the door.

"Jimin..." She says her voice trailing. "You flatlined for 2 minuets."

My heart skips a beat.
Beep, beep bee-, beep.

"Jimin calm down." She mutters ushering a doctor to her side.

'I- I died?' I scream inside my head as the fear starts to consume me.

"Jimin? It's Doctor Wang." I look back at Nurse Choi but she isn't there instead it's Doctor Wang. He pushes his glasses up his nose. "You're probably wondering what happened?" He asks I nod my head weakly.

"Nurse Choi came in last night while you were sleeping to check your obs. Your heart rate was irregular so we hooked you up to a heart machine. A few minuets ago you went into cardiac arrest. You flatlined it took us multiple attempts to get you breathing again. We almost had to give up..." He looks at me intensely. "We don't know the cause of this... We're looking into it." He finished. He turns around.

"Nurse Choi he should be okay now." He tells her.

I turn around breathing heavily on the oxygen mask.

'That..That dream was so real. I woke up after the first dream of me and that man having an argument... Then I got up because I couldn't sleep any longer... What's going on here?'  I think to myself. I try to remember what the mint haired boy looked like but his face is just a blur.

I feel hot tears sting my eyes as I remember the bath tub... This isn't the first time I've dreamed about a bathtub... It must have something to do with 'Jimin' this all seems to link together.

I start sobbing quietly letting the tears slide down my cheek ticking as it slides down and wets my pillow. I cry and cry as my chest aches.

December 24th- 9am.

"Are you sure you're up for going outside?" Nurse Choi asks me.

I nod my head again for the sixth time starting to get bored. I'd promised Hayoon I'd meet her in our usual spot outside taking my notebook and pencil with me to try and draw the face that lingers on my mind.

"Okay if you're sure... Make sure you keep warm... I know the sun is out but still." She fusses. "Oh and wear your hat!" She expresses placing it firmly on my head.
"You only need one crutch right?" She asks handing me one. I nod at her.

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