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Jin's POV

"What do you mean you had a fight with him?" I shout at Yoongi.

I stand in the doorway of the dorm staring at Yoongi on the floor drinking heavily.

"I mean exactly what I said." He slurs.

Anger stirs within me. I stride over to Yoongi and grab the alcohol from his grasp. He stands up quickly and gets into a fighting stance.

"Are you going to hit me?" I ask casually.

He contemplates for a second but relaxes. He starts to sob covering is mouth. I reach over to him and embrace him.

"I-I miss him." He splutters his shoulders shaking up and down as he cries on to my shoulder.

"So do I Yoongi, but drinking really isn't the answer... Or the solution." I tell him pulling away from the embrace.

Yoongi nods rubbing his face. "We should go and find him..."

"You call the others and I'll go look around for him in the car." I tell him. Yoongi agrees and goes to find his phone.


I turn my keys in the ignition and sigh. I rest my head on the steering wheel. I slowly lift my head suppressing my will to cry. I turn the keys in the ignition and pull out of the car park and onto the dark street.

Unsure of where I should look I know he couldn't of gotten to far. I drive through the street. My gaze lands on the picture handing from my rear mirror. A picture of us when we were at the beach a few years ago. We were all so happy then.

I shake my head to try and get the memory to suppress its self. I continue driving faster than I should as the memory of Jimin lying lifeless in Jungkook's arms haunt me.

Suddenly I see a figure in the road. Everything goes in slow motion. I hit the breaks but it's to late. I hit the person in the road. The car comes to a stop. I shake my head trying to contemplate what had just happened. I quickly fumble with the seatbelt and throw it off me opening the car down and stumbling out.

A man lays on the road. He wears a jumper that covers his head and black clothes. I slowly walk over to the man my body shaking.

I see his hand move as the blood from him touches his hand.

"Hyung." He mutters quietly before going completely limp.

I instantly recognise the voice. Still refusing to believe my speculations I walk around the body and crouch down. I slowly pull his hood back and scream.

"JUNGKOOK!" I yell. His blood soaks my clothes.

I fumble for my phone but my hands shake to much making me drop my phone in his blood. I quickly pick it up and dial nine, nine, nine.

"H-Hello! There's been an accident at Han bridge." I scream into the phone.

After a few minutes I hear the faint sound of sirens.

"I won't let you die as well." I whisper to him tears dripping down tickling my face.



"How could you be so selfish?" Namjoon shouts at me pushing me by the shoulders.
"We're all suffering you're not the only one who is still grieving!" He adds. I let my head drop.
I hear him shuffle away so I look up and see Hoseok in his place.

"Hyung, don't take what he said to personally." He tries to reassure me but I keep my expression blank.

"If something happens to him it'll be my fault. He's the youngest yet I treated him like my punching bag." I ruffle my hair.

Without thinking I turn around and run out of the door pushing past Taehyung who was just about to come into the dorm.


I stop running when I reach the stairs and walk down them quickly. I can still hear Hoseok shouting my name but I ignore him and continue walking. I get to the bottom and push open the back door leaving the building and letting the bitter night air bite my face.

"Yoongi hyung stop!" Hoseok yells after me but I continue walking as the anger builds up inside me.

I finally reach my destination. It was a rented room I'd rented a few months ago. I usually come here to write music but there is also a bed. I have a piano in the room too. It was a bright and cutely furnished room. I walk into the now dark room and walk over to the sofa. I sit down then lay down feeling tired.

"I'm a mess." I mutter to myself. I look at my phone but of course there are no notifications.

I smirk to myself before throwing my phone onto the floor and close my eyes. A few minuets later my phone starts to ring. Surprised I roll off the sofa and fall on to the floor. I pick up my phone and answer the call.

"Hoseok?" I mumble into the phone "Look, I'll be back soon I just needed to cool off, have you found Jungkook yet?" I pause. "Fine, tell him I'll buy him lamb skewers for fighting with him even though he did punch me technically but I guess that doesn't-"

"H-Hyung..." My heart drops.

The way Hoseok speaks is foreign. He has so much pain and emotion in his voice that I fear for the worse. I stand up and my face drops.

"Hoseok... What's wrong why are you crying?" I ask him terror building up as the suspension makes the room seem darker.

"I-It's Jungkook..." He splutters clearly still crying.

My heart starts to beat rapidly in my chest as my hand begins to shake while I hold the phone in my hand.

"J-Jungkook?" I stutter swapping the hand I'm holding my phone in and hold it closer to my ear.

"He... He was in an accident.... I-Its serious... Really, really fucking serious." He chokes out.

I freeze. "Hyung... I-I think he's dead.

AN: Sorry for the shorter chapter but I'm really tired. I've started school so rip. Updates are gonna be a little slow but I am trying my best. And yes! This is my first Authors Note, I wanna make it clear that I am getting ideas from their music videos & highlight reels but I am changing things dramatically to make sure things aren't 100% the same... Regardless I hope you're enjoying my book so far and aren't feeling to sad yet...

Sorry for the cliff hanger as well!


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