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(A/N: Listen to the music when indicated for it to make sense!)

"Jimin?" A voice shakes me awake.

I open my sleepy eyes as a familiar face comes into focus.


"Hi!" She chirps grinning at me.

I shake my head and pull myself up into a seated position. She jumps on my bed and turns her body to face me. This time her hair is down cascading down her back her fringe looks like it needs to be cut.

"How was your sleep?" She asks knowing I wouldn't answer.

I shrug my shoulders. "Well my nurse woke me up. I swear I could sleep all day." She yawns laying down over my legs. Obviously I can't feel her weight so I don't show any discomfort.

She suddenly sits up and turns around to look at me grinning.

"Jimin?" She smiles moving from her sitting position to stand up.

I look at her. "Do you like music?" She asks me.

I think for s second. I'm not sure what I do and don't like. Maybe I did maybe I didn't. So like my other responses I just shrug.

"Oh... Well I love music." She smiles to herself.

She glances down at her watch. "Oh! I've got to go now." She mutters sadly.

My face drops turning into a frown. I drop my head from her gaze. "I'll be back soon." She reassures. She turns on her heel and walks towards the door taking her drip with her.

She turns around quickly and runs to me giving me a hug. I'm taken back my eyes are wide in shock.

"Bye Jimin!" She says pulling away and walking out of the room yet again.

I try to comprehend what has just happened but I don't know what to make of it. I breath out a shaky breath and lay back in my bed.


"Jimin, I've got your food." Nurse Choi announces happily.

I sit up in my bed and she pulls a desk over to rest my food on. In front of me she places a bowl of rice and some side dishes.

"After lunch you have an appointment with your physiotherapist." She tells me putting a glass of water on my desk. "Eat up." She smiles happily before walking out of the door sliding the door across leaving me with my thoughts.

I take the chopsticks from the tray and break them apart. I rub them together so there isn't any wood sticking out. First I start eating the rice. It tastes bland with not much flavour. I move my mouth but I'm not really chewing.

Suddenly another pair of chopsticks reach down into one of my side dishes and picks up some kimchi. It then gets placed on top of my rice. I look up to see Hayoon grinning down at me.

"The rice will taste bland if you don't eat it with side dishes." She smiles.

I put down my chopsticks and pick up my spoon and eat the rice and the kimchi together. She was right it did taste better.

She sits on my bed. "Wanna listen to music with me?" She asks pulling out her iPod.
I continue eating and nod my head. Obviously I'm not sure what kind of music I actually like.

"I love this melody." She smiles placing the earphone into my ear. Her hands skim my ear sending me shivers.

"Sorry!" She laughs "My hands are a little cold." She adds taking her hand back after fitting the earphone in.

I give her a lazy smile but continue to eat my food. A soft whistle melody plays. I stop chewing placing my spoon down.

(A/N: Play YouTube video! ;))

There were no lyrics but the song seemed familiar. I feel my eyes start to water.

"Jimin?" Hayoon says concerned. "What's wrong?" She adds taking the earphone out of her ear.

Unsure of why I was crying I shut my eyes. Suddenly the door slides open. Hayoon quickly hops of my bed, I open my eyes as she backs away from me.

"Jimin?" A male voice calls making me look at him.

I look at him. "What's wrong? Have you been crying?" He asks before pulling out a tissue from his doctors jacket.

I sniff and he hands me a tissue. I accept it gratefully and wipe my eyes then blow my nose.

"Feel better?" He asks smiling out of sympathy.

I shrug. "Well you didn't seem to eat much..." He points out. "It's time for your physiotherapy." He adds wheeling the desk away and bringing over my wheelchair. He helps me into the chair.

"Ready?" He asks me.

I nod my head and he wheels me out of the door.

'Why did Hayoon just run off like that?' I wonder as we pass the same old doctors and nurses who send me sympathy stares.


"Okay Jimin this time try to use your legs to walk across to me." Doctor Han says encouragingly.

I pull myself up from the chair using my upper body strength. I grunt and huff as I attempt to pull myself along the bars. Two nurses rush to my aid placing my legs onto the ground.

"Okay that's great Jimin. Weigh all your weight down onto your legs, got it?" He asks standing at the end of the course.

I try to push all my weight down onto my legs I don't feel the weight going anywhere so I just drag myself.

"You're the golden maknae! If you can't do this then how do you expect any of us to do it?" 

I fall to the ground as the strange yet familiar voice continues to ring in my mind.



"Jimin are you okay?" The nurse asks crouching down next to me and sitting me up.



Water lots of it soaks my clothes. The tears are already streaming down my face my hands are shaking my screams echo of the walls and back ringing my ears.


"M-My name isn't... Jimin!"

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