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6 months later December 21st

Six slow months had gone by. I hadn't remembered anything significant however I had begun to be able to feel my legs again. I was using crutches to get around which was a big improvement. The doctors told me there was nothing they could do about my lost memories. They might comeback they might not. But from what I can remember... There was a reason I was out so late. There was a reason I remember the name 'Jimin' so vividly.

"Jimin?" Nurse Choi chirps smiling at me.

However... I still couldn't talk but my mood slowly stared to improve I wasn't always hostile to the staff as I use to be.

I nod my head at the nurse putting down my iPad.

"I've got your food." She tells me pulling my desk towards me and placing my food on it.

The same old rice and kimchi with some side dishes. Regardless of the repetition of the food i'm grateful so I smile at her.

"Eat up." She says before leaving pulling lunch cart with her.

I start to eat the food once again not really eating or tasting, I'm just moving my mouth.

"Jimin!" A happy voice calls from the door.

I turn my head, Hayoon stands there this time her hair is tired on top of her head with what looks like an elastic band.

She walks further into my room and slides shut the door behind her. I wave to her.

She sends me a box smile grin and runs over to my bed.

"How's the food today?" She asks swinging her legs off the bed since it was to high up.

I roll my eyes and she laughs. "I see, the same as always I'm assuming." She says.

I chuckle silently. After everything she told nothing has changed between us. After that day she returned to the bubbly happy smiling girl I'm use to. I was glad of this because she was the only positive thing in my life.

"Hey you know it's Christmas soon right?" She asks turning around to face me crossing her legs.

I nod and continue eating. Christmas didn't excite me. I didn't have any friends or family to spend it with and I was sure Hayoon's family would come and visit her.

"Well... Here!" She holds out a small box with gold wrapping and a white bow tired neatly around the box.

My eyes widen and I place my chopsticks down. I stare at her confused.

"I know it isn't Christmas yet... But you could put it under that tree over there." She points over to the mini Christmas tree Nurse Choi had put up for me.

I look away sadly. "What's wrong?" She asks me. I look at her then the present. "Are you sad because you didn't get me anything?" She asks.

I nod. "Don't worry Jimin, it's not Christmas yet." Her eyes crunch up as she smiles with her eyes.

"Ah I interrupted your dinner, I'll go put this present under the tree then you can open it on Christmas!" She suggests jumping off my bed and walking around towards the Christmas tree.

I try to say 'thank you' but nothing comes out. "You're welcome." She smiles kindly at me before leaving.

I finish my food quickly and push the desk away. I'm feeling sleepy so I turn around to take a nap. My eyes fall on the present. I smile weakly, I fall asleep with multiple present ideas floating around in my head.


"Hyung please, getting drunk isn't the answer!"

The man in front of me chuckles. "Perhaps not. But it's the only solution!" He yells. He throws cups and mugs around clearing tables and counters.
The room is already a complete tip.

I run towards the man turning him around roughly but he pushes me off glaring angrily at me. He screams loudly so I run up to him trying to embrace him.

"Hyung STOP!" I yell.

He pushes me off fiercely pushing me against the door I let out a yelp of pain and scrunch up my face. He stares at me for a few seconds before stumbling backwards wiping his mouth.

I stare at him the anger boils inside me. I grab his collar and punch him in the face he stumbles back. My eyes widen in shock and I run towards him pulling him up I stare at him as a strangled croak comes out of my mouth. We just stare at each other but he then pushes me off roughly and I fall back hitting my side on the side of the sofa.

I wince but snap my head up towards him staring at him in shock. His mint green hair covers his face but the anger is clearly there. He screams again, picks up a chair and throws it at the mirror. Everything seems to go in slow motion as the glass shatters.


I wake up panting. My hair sticks to my clammy forehead and my sheets are on the floor along with my pillows. My room is dark with only the light from the hallways giving me a bit of light. I turn onto my back laying flat down and put my hand up to my forehead and let out a shaky breath.

'Thats the strangest dream I've ever had. It was so vivid.' I pull myself up into a sitting position. Deciding that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again I pull my legs off the bed so I'm sat on the edge. I reach for my crutches and stand up. I'm a little wobbly at first but I stand up taking a breath in then releasing it.

I walk towards my door sliding it open. I poke my head out only to see that the corridors are completely empty. I shrug and walk out of the door sliding it shut. I decide to go right where reception is to see if anyone was there. When I get there I don't see anyone.

'Strange...' I think to myself.

I walk past the desk. Suddenly I hear a strange noise the sound of a bath running.
I stop looking around me to try and find the source. I decide to just carry on walking straight ahead towards the bathrooms.

I stop at a door. I walk slowly towards it the sound of bath water getting louder and louder. My heart beats rapidly in my chest. I put my hand out to push the door open.
I slowly open the door pushing it back. I take a shaky step forward holding my breath. The room is dark and I can't see anything, the sound of a bath running changes to the same whistle Hayoon had shown me.

Suddenly a light switches on making my heart rate speed up. I finally see inside the room. It looks like a normal bathroom. A sink, mirror, bathtub, toilet everything you'd expect.

I walk further in towards the running water of the bathtub. The water is overflowing.
As I walk closer something seems off suddenly the whistle fades away and I focus on the overflowing bathtub.

'Is..Is there something in the bath?' I think to myself.

Two small bubbles surface. The realisation hits me.

'There was someone in the bathtub.'

I rush forwards letting my crutches drop against the marble floor in a hurry. I kneel down wincing at the pain in my legs but ignore it. My shaky hands turn the faucet off.
I plunge my hands into the boiling hot soapy bath water but suddenly I'm yanked into the water.

I kick and scream but only bubbles come out of my mouth as I try to reach the surface for air. My time is running out I don't get a breath of air I'm going to die.

I'm weak... To weak to keep fighting for air my lungs burn and my brain yells at me to not give up and to find a source of air. But I ignore it and shut my eyes letting the water fill my lungs.


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