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Yoongi took off down the street and runs into an alleyway. I quickly run cross the zebra crossing and stand on the other side of the road.
Everything had completely gone wrong. Jimin's death had effective all of us. Me and Jimin were very close. A few years ago he wanted to go on a diet because he was convinced he was fat. I told him dieting was okay but that he should never go over board... He finally got the figure he was happy with without being to under weight. I should of known something was up with him. This isn't the first time it had happened. But for some reason he didn't think be could talk to me this time which makes my heart ache.

I bring myself back to reality as I come to an entrance of the alleyway I saw Yoongi run down. I walk down it slowly and cautiously. I felt scared and worried that I might be killed if I go to far in.

I walk for an good five minuets constantly checking behind me. I reach the end of the alleyway which brings me out onto the next street. I sigh and ruffle my hair in frustration.

"Where are you Min Yoongi?" I mutter pulling my phone out from my pocket and looking at the time.

It was ten o'clock. I decide it might be best to just call Yoongi. I find his contact and then call him holding my phone up to my ear tapping my foot in unison with the beep of my phone. The phone goes to voicemail.

"Damn!" I curse hitting my phone onto my head.

I realise I can just find him through 'find my iPhone' as long as his phone is turned on. I go onto the app and find Yoongi's contact once again. When I find it to my surprise his phone is still turned on. My face twists into confusion as I look at his location.

"Why would he be in a motel?" I ask myself as I start to walk in the direction of the motel to my luck wasn't far away.

"Hello Miss, my friend came here a little while ago. His name is Min Yoongi I'm suppose to be meeting him in his room." I tell her wincing as I lie.

The woman looks me up and down. "Sorry sir, we can't reveal customers private information." She shrugs.

I sigh. "But he's waiting for me."

"Then call him and get him down here." She snaps clearly getting angry with me.

"I'll be going then." I tell her turning around and walking out. I rub my face in frustration as I try to think what to do next.

"Maybe if I zoom in I can find which room he's in." I mutter pulling my phone out from my pocket. I pinch the screen zooming in. He's either in room twenty-three or twenty-four.

I take off running towards the rooms as quick as I can. I stand outside both doors looking backwards and forwards between the two. I decide to go with room twenty-four I knock on the door. The door opens and a man about the same age as me opens the door shirtless and with messy hair.

"Who are you?" He mumbles rubbing his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry I got the wrong room." I apologise bowing.

The man shakes his head and closes the door without another word. At least I was able to narrow it down to this room.

I'm about to knock but something stops me. I hear the sound of a lighter clicking on and off. The door is open a little so I push it open but the door creaks a little. I've already made myself known so I just run into the room to see Yoongi laying flat on the bed clicking a lighter on and off.

"HYUNG!" I shout surprising him. He drops the lighter as its lit and the floor starts to catch fire.

"Shit!" Yoongi shouts jumping up from the bed and running to the bathroom to get water.

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