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809 13 26

Hey guys so...I just don't know anymore...I'm sorry I really don't express myself to anyone but this time...I just really can't...Every night I always overthink and I have to deal with all the crying and all the overthinking. I feel unwanted, I feel left out, I feel lonely and sad and everything negative...I just wanna disappear yah know...not kill myself cause that's stupid but like go somewhere very far from here and start a new one, new life...I'm having a hard time...pleasing everone, trying to fit in...this is so unlikely to be me because I don't give a damn about others before but because of people who continuously leaving me...I'm scared to be alone, I want someone to be with me, I want someone to fix me, I need someone to see how broken I am...I'm sorry but I just wanted to let it out and I dont know I just said it here...Im sorry

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