Forty - What The Future Is

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Hi, hi! It's the author speaking! I'm sorry for breaking the news but this will be the last chapter. Sure, there's still an epilogue, but don't forget this is only the Book One of the trilogy.

Be sure to read Finding Life when I finally start working on it! It's going to be about Blythe and Dean. When it's ready to get launched, I will post its prologue, and will make sure that you guys are the first ones to read it!

Thank you so much for everything--for supporting this book and me. I couldn't ask for more.

Epilogue will be posted shortly.

- Bella O'Brien

* * * * 

It's been about forty minutes since they've accused me on pretending to be someone I'm not and they've been trying to get on my good side on that time. They're smiling, joking, and giving me the creeps on that god-awful laugh they have when they talk about something, they think it's funny.

Caroline's been doing horribly in trying to keep it together, as is Luke, who will might end up crushing my hand if he keeps getting angry at them.

"You know, it was about Caroline's eight birthday and Luke was obsessed in making it hell," Mrs. Thomas, who has been telling me to call her Helena for the past thirty minutes, giggles. Giggles. "So, he decided that he'll go down to the party and wear a crown too. He kept yelling 'This is my party too! This is my party too!' It was so funny and embarrassing that we had to lock him up at his room."

"This is why I told him to go to Brown University," Mr. Thomas raises his hands in surrender. "It's just to make sure he doesn't step on Caroline's toes. Plus, it's where I went. It'd be nice to continue the legacy."

Another tightening grip on my hand. "I kept saying that it was my party because it was supposed to be. It was my birthday but you decided to celebrate Caroline's eight birthday in advance. Not only that, but when I did that, I had dad dragging me by the arm to my room and locking me up. Stop making it seem like it's adorable," Luke snaps, his teeth grinding as he talked at them. "I've had enough of this bullshit. You can't even remember my birthday, only Care's. You keep talking to Rosalie like she's stupid enough not to know what you're doing."

"Luke Thomas!" Mrs. Thomas gasps. "I have no idea what you're—"

"Please," He scoffs at them. "Let's cut the crap. The reason why you're nice to her is because your business is tied to the Holland business. You want her on your good side so that she won't tell her parents the first thing you did when you saw her. I've had enough of you talking about memories and linking them to me when in the first place, it was never really my own memory. You were shitty parents, even your golden child, Care, can see that."

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas glance at Care, who nods in agreement. "Let's not kid ourselves. This family is shit. The only parent I had was Luke."

"And let's get one thing straight, I'm not going to Brown," he stands, pulling me alongside to him. "I'm going to Raven, where I can get as far away as possible. I've already been accepted for scholarship, everything's paid for, even the dorm I'm staying in. After graduation, I'm going."

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, he pulls me away, reaching for the door and we walk out. Together. Hand in hand.

"Can you drive? I'm too mad, right now," he places the keys to my palm.

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