S01 x E07

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Episode 7: A Matter of Wife & Death:

It was the wee ungodly hours of the morning in the afterlife version of Kicksburg, where a massive thunderstorm was taking place. Despite the constant, deafening booms of thunder echoing throughout the area, it wasn't enough to drown out the ringing of the doorbell. Its shrill chime was enough to rouse Russell from his slumber, even though he'd been sleeping through the entire storm like a baby. Wearing nothing more than a pair of striped boxers, he slowly and quietly climbed out of bed. He slipped on an orange robe with matching slippers and crept downstairs, muttering to himself.

"Now just who in their right mind would come knocking on our door at a time like this?" He pondered, "The mailman doesn't usually come until noon-ish, and the repairman for the water heater isn't supposed to come 'till tomorrow, so... could it be the milkman? Ugh! Wait, what am I saying? Thatjob is long gone."

Finally reaching the front door, he slowly pulled it open, trying his best to minimize the creaking sounds that emanated from it. He finally got it open all the way, revealing a young, shapely, well-endowed Caucasian woman who appeared to be somewhere around Ike's age. She had jet-black lipstick and chest-length golden blonde hair, and was clad in a sleeveless, raspberry-colored body-con dress that stopped at her knees, alongside a pair of matching pointed three-inch heels.

"Er... hello, uh... Ms. blonde... milf... person... !" Russell stuttered, his ponytail immediately straightening out and pointing behind him at the sight of the visitor.

"Uh... Russell? Is that really you?" The woman asked, scratching her head, "Because if so, then surely you'll know where Ike is, right?"

"Ike?" Russell asked, still entranced by the woman standing before him.

"You know, Ike Van Dyke? Your son, who's been missing you ever since you died a few months ago? And should be up here in heaven as well unless he faked his death and went AWOL?" The woman continued.

"Huh? Oh yeah, right! That Ike! Erm, yes! Sure! I'll go get him!" Russell finally snapped out of it as he headed back upstairs.

The woman waited patiently on the living room couch as Russell ascended to the second floor. A good eight minutes passed before a drowsy Ike came back down, not accompanied by anyone.

"Yeah, I'm here. What is... what the hell?!" He said, before cutting himself off at the sight of the visitor.

"Ike!" The woman said cheerfully as she got up and hurried over to him.

"J-Janice?!" Ike asked, taken by surprise as he was tugged off the bottom step and into the living room.

Before he could say another word, he was forcefully pulled into a deep kiss as Janice forced him onto his back on the couch and climbed on top of him.

"Mmm! God knows how much I've been missing you!" She whispered into his ear after withdrawing her lips.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up!" Ike replied, panting as he sat up, prompting his ex-wife to sit up next to him, "I don't even know what you're doing here, and you're already jumping me?!"

"Okay then, so what is it you want to know?" Janice asked casually.

"Well for one thing, where's Lucius? Do you know if he's alright?" Ike asked in a more concerned tone.

"Hard to say. I literally just died a few hours ago." Janice replied.

It was then that Ike took a good look at her and noticed that she looked a little blurry around the edges, and her entire form was slightly translucent.

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