S01 x E13

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Season Finale: A Deadly Christmas (Part 1):

T'was the night before Christmas Eve, and on the outskirts of town, a lone male figure could be seen trudging around.

Okay, that's enough rhyming.

A massive snowstorm was taking place, caking the ground in ten-inch drifts. The figure kept his head down to avoid the moderate blizzard winds that hit him directly in the face, carrying countless snowflakes with them. He finally stopped moving upon reaching the center of the Kicksburg Cemetery.

"It should be around here somewhere." He muttered, proceeding to look around him.

The visitor turned out to be none other than Mark Simmons, wearing winter attire that was similar in color-scheme to the clothes he had worn to Ike's funeral. While busying himself looking for a particular tombstone, he noticed a much shorter figure through the winter haze. Out of curiosity, he moved towards it, before recognizing it as Lucius Van Dyke - someone who had lost a parent a much shorter time ago than Mark himself had. He was wearing winter clothing in the same color-scheme as his default attire.

"Oh, hey there. You must be Ike's kid. Uh, Lucius, right?" Mark greeted with a friendly wave.

Before Lucius could respond, both of them could hear the snow crunching nearby, suggesting that a third figure was approaching the scene. She approached the scene, revealing herself to be Janice, who was breathing harder than the other two, while also wearing winter clothes that matched her default attire.

"Oh, there you are, Lucius! Please don't wander off like that again!" She panted, "Oh, hi Mark. How've you been?"

"I should be asking you that." Mark replied, "I know I've told you this several times already, but I'm truly sorry for your loss. Just know that he's in a better place now. If you need anything - and I mean anything - then just let me know."

"Okay, thanks. We get it. You've told us that several times!" Janice replied glumly.

Mark simply stood there for a spell, slightly taken aback by this response. Being the compassionate and courteous guy he was, he simply couldn't help but feel bad for Ike's family. Not to mention the fact that he himself was one of the last people Ike had spoken to before his death, so could he really be blamed for holding this as such a high honor?

"Yeah... I know." He replied, before giving a final wave of goodbye and disappearing into the winter haze.

Janice then turned her attention to Lucius, who was busy swiping the snow off of his father's gravestone. Engraved in the slab of limestone were the words: "Here Lies Ike Van Dyke. 1980 - 2018".

"See, Mom? I ran ahead because I wanted to try and find Dad's grave and save us some time." Lucius explained, a childish innocence marring his tone.

"D'aww, what a smart kid you are." Janice cooed, placing a small wreath on Ike's grave before the two of them stepped back and observed it in silence.

"So, um... first of all, hi Dad." Lucius began, somewhat hesitantly, "I'm... kinda' having a hard time believing it's already been eight months since you left us. And now it's going to be the first Christmas we celebrate without you or either of your parents. Within the months after you died, I've lost about three baby-teeth, I've grown five inches, and I'm getting good grades in Kindergarten. I... I know you would've been proud of me. Uh, your turn, Mom."

"Alrighty then. Er... y'know what, Lucius? The storm's starting to die down a little. Why don't you go find your grandparents' graves so we can talk to them next? I'll catch up, okay?" Janice suggested, prompting her son to do just that.

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