Chapter 15

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She walked up to the bed cautiously. Yeah, she thought. Like he's gonna jump up and scare me.

She sat down in the seat by the bed and looked at him. Hooked up to all those machines. This wasn't her Taylor. Her Taylor was full of life. Not like now. Relying on machines to keep him alive until the small chance that he might wake up.

She was shaking. She was so scared for him.

She slid her hand under his and held it. Clasped it tightly. As if the pressure would jolt him awake. She willed him to wake up.

A tear slid down her face. Then another.

'Stop it,'she said to herself, 'be strong.'

"Please God," she whispered,"let him wake up. I can't lose him."

She sat there for a few minutes, staring at her best friend.

She knew she had to leave. Ike and Zac would want to see Tay. She was hogging a lot of time. So, she shakily stood up, still holding his hand. Then brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. "Please wake up Taylor," she whispered to him. "You used to call me your beautiful eyes. But you're MY beautiful eyes Taylor. I want to see laughter in them again. I want to see you looking at me. Knowing you're alive and healthy. I CAN'T lose you." Her voice cracked. She knew she was gonna start crying again.

She held his hand for a moment longer. Like a little girl afraid to be alone. Then she kissed him on his forehead and slowly walked out of the room.

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