Noticed [Canada X Reader]

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You were the small island nation of (Country Name) who had just declared independence from Russia. You were heading over to the conference room for your first world meeting when you saw a blonde haired man with violet eyes and a long loopy curl sticking out above his forehead holding a small polar bear coming from the opposite side of the hall towards the conference room door. You recognized him immediately as the personification of Canada. You may have been a new country, but you knew the faces of the other countries.

"Hey Canada!" You yelled in his direction to get his attention. Canada froze in his tracks in front of the door, shocked as you ran up to him.

"What's wrong Canada?" You asked as you tilted your head. You had a worried look on your face.

"Huh? Oh it's nothing. I was just shocked that someone noticed me and didn't mistake me for my brother America for once." Canada explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course I'd notice you silly! And you don't look that similar to America. Oh I'm (Country Name) by the way. I just recently claimed my independence from Russia." You said cheerfully, holding out your hand. Canada took your hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you (Country Name) and congratulations. Since you recently became a country, is this your first world meeting?" Canada asked you.

"Yeah! I'm really excited." You beamed up at the taller male country. Canada suddenly looked a little depressed.

"I'm not looking forward to the meeting. All they do in there is bicker. Also, no one ever asks for my opinion because they don't notice me. Russia even sat on me once because he didn't notice that I was already sitting in that chair. It was awful." Canada said as he shuddered at the memory. You gave Canada a sympathetic look as you placed your small hand on his cheek, which made him blush. He wasn't used to physical contact from girls because of his lack of presence.

"Hey listen, I'll make sure the other countries notice you. So come on, let's go inside." You said, smiling warmly as you slowly pulled your hand away from his cheek. And with that, you turned away and headed towards the door to open it. But before you could go inside, Canada suddenly grabbed your hand causing you to pause and look back at him with a puzzled look on your face. When he realized what he was doing, he blushed heavily and let go.

"S-sorry. I-I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I didn't want the only person who notices me to leave me behind and forget about me." Canada said as he averted his gaze to the side, still blushing. You then took his hand in yours, making him blush even more as he turned his head back towards you, looking into your eyes.

"Canada, I'll never forget you. If you're so worried about losing me, then hold my hand. Now let's go." You said in a gentle soothing voice as you smiled warmly. Canada managed a smile back and nodded his head. You and Canada entered the conference room hand-in-hand. No one was here yet so you both took two seats next to each other at the end of the long hollow oval-shaped table. Shortly, everyone filed into the room and took their seats. You stood up and introduced yourself and then the world meeting began. As Canada said always happened, the other countries started to argue shortly into the meeting and ignored Canada when he tried to get in an input. You could now understand why he didn't really like world meetings. As the arguing continued and Canada's attempts to say something failed, a stress vein formed on your forehead and you exploded. Even before Germany did.

"Everyone shut up! Why don't you stop fighting and listen to Canada for once!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you in shock.

"Wait, Canada's here?" Everyone said in confusion together. That was it. You then face palmed your forehead.

"You know what? I'm done! Go on and sort out this crap without us. Come on Canada, let's leave." You said as you grabbed Canada's hand and stormed out of the room, dragging him behind you. Everyone stared as you and Canada disappeared behind the closing door.

"Dude, (Country Name) actually notices Canada." America pointed out as he scratched his chin. Everyone looked at America and paused for a long time before anyone else spoke.

"We should try to do the same. If we pay attention to Canada more often, we might end up not fighting as much too. He may have some good ideas that we could all agree on." England said as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. All the countries then made a promise to pay more attention to Canada from now on. Meanwhile, you and Canada were sitting outside under the shade of a maple tree near the building entrance, breathing in the fresh air.

"Geez, that was utter chaos! I had no idea just how stressful world meetings are. I really don't know how you handle all that yelling every time. I mean, why don't they notice you? You're the second biggest country in the world by land mass!" You said as you crossed your arms and pouted out of frustration.

"Apparently that means nothing to them." Canada said, sounding a little depressed as he lowered his head. You didn't like seeing Canada like this and tried to think of something to cheer him up. A maple leaf fell to your feet from the tree branches above you and you got an idea. You picked up the leaf and got out your ultra thin tip sharpie marker from your pocket and wrote on it. When you were done, you handed it to Canada. The side with the writing on it was facing away from him.

"A maple leaf?" Canada said, sounding a bit puzzled. You smiled warmly, looking into Canada's violet eyes with your (e/c) ones.

"It's not just any maple leaf anymore. Turn it over." You said, taking his hand that held the leaf in your hand and flipping it over for him. Canada's eyes widened when he looked at what you wrote on it. It read "You are important. DO NOT forget that." in your neatest handwriting. Canada held the leaf close to his chest and smiled.

"Thank you (Country Name). I'm going to preserve it, frame it, and treasure it forever. I'm so glad I met you." Canada thanked you. Both of you stared into each other's eyes for a while. Your faces began to slowly draw in closer and your lips met up in a sweet passionate kiss. When you two parted, a string of saliva connected your mouths.

"Ohohohon! Looks like my little Mattie is finally going to get laid!" France said, popping up out from behind a bush with a leaf on his head. You and Canada both jumped and blushed furiously.

"Who's Mattie?" You asked in a puzzled tone.

"That's me. My real name is Matthew Williams. Countries only tell family and lovers their real names." Canada told you, taking your hands in his and nuzzling his forehead against yours which made you blush.

"Y'know dude, if you're going to get all mushy like that, might as well get a room or something." America teased, standing at the entrance of the world building.

"Well at least I'm going to get laid before you!" Canada said as he stood up and picked you up bridal style and ran away. Leaving a very shocked America and smirking France in his wake.


Thanks for reading "Noticed" my Canada X Reader fan fiction! This is the 1st story of my Hetalia X Reader Short Stories collection. And oh burn! Canada totally roasted America at the end!

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