Whack-A-Mole [Austria X Reader] LEMON

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You were the country of Bosnia and it was time for your piano lesson with Austria. You really loved piano lessons with him, not because it was interesting or fun. No, it was because you liked Austria in a romantic sense and getting privately tutored in piano was a way for you to spend some time alone with him. To be honest, you were a prodigy pianist and really didn't need piano lessons at all. In fact, you might've even been better than Austria himself. But you pretended to be bad at playing the piano in order to get him to teach you. There were many things you liked about Austria, but your favorite thing had to be that adorable little mole at the bottom left corner of his mouth. You probably liked it because you also had a mole similar to it. Yours was located on the top right corner of your mouth. That mole of yours did some weird things to you when poked or brushed against. It aroused you, functioning like a "turn on" button. You started to wonder if Austria's mole did the same thing to him. While Austria was trying to teach you how to play "Hot Cross Buns" (yes, you faked being that bad), you kept staring at his mole.

"Bosnia would you please pay attention?" Austria said sternly when he noticed you were staring at him.

"Oh sorry. So how does it go again?" You asked Austria who sighed in frustration before demonstrating the simple tune again. You "tried" mimicking his hand movements, making mistakes on purpose.

"Like that?" You asked him, fluttering your eyelashes. Austria did a face palm.

"Honestly, how can someone be this bad at piano." He muttered under his breath. You heard him and pouted.

'I'm actually a prodigy pianist. I'm just pretending to be bad so I can spend some alone time with you.' You thought to yourself inside your head.

"Anyways, let's try again. Repeat the tune I play." Austria said as he began to play the tune again, but you stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Let's play something else." You said, looking into his indigo eyes. He looked at you and blinked in confusion.

"Let's play whack-a-mole." You suggested. This just made Austria even more puzzled.

"What kind of a song is whack-a-mole? Who composed it?" Austria asked. You sighed and shook your head in disbelief.

"It's not a song, it's a game, silly!" You said before walking over to the other side of the room and opened the game cupboard and pulled out a miniature whack-a-mole game.

"What does this have to do with learning piano?" Austria asked, now thoroughly confused.

"The goal is to tap the little moles on the head with your finger as soon as they pop up. It starts off easy, but then goes faster and faster. This will be good finger exercise, which would make me better at the piano by improving fundamental movements." You explained to Austria. But being the devious woman you were, you had another hidden intention to the game. You really wanted to poke Austria's mole. Mole in this case could mean two things. The first meaning the little burrowing animals in the game, and the second was the little bump of darkened skin on Austria's face. You sat down on the carpet and patted the spot next to you, signaling for Austria to join you. He sighed, got up, walked over towards you and sat down as you flipped the switch to the "on" position, causing the little moles to peek their heads in and out of the holes. You set the example and started playing the battery operated game. As the game progressed, the moles moved even faster until they were going at an inhuman speed and you managed to hit all of them every single time. You finally beat the maximum level and it stopped, announcing you as the winner. Austria was very impressed.

"Your turn now." You smiled proudly, pushing the device over towards him. He pressed the start button and the moles started popping up. Austria was doing very well until it got about three quarters of the way through when he missed a mole, causing the game to stop and wish him better luck next time.

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