A War Started When We Kissed [Italy X Reader]

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dummkopf = fool (German)
Bella = Beautiful (Italian)

You are the small nation (Country Name). Before you gained your independence, you were a colony of Russia. He was a very oppressive and subtly abusive towards you. You couldn't stand being under his rule so you declared war upon him to gain independence even though you knew it was most likely going to be fruitless. Despite all odds being against you, you won the war against Russia without any other nation's help. Ever since you miraculously won a war against Russia by yourself, no country dared to get on your bad side. It had been four years since your country was founded in 1935 and there were rumors that another world war was going to start. You were in your office at your mansion doing paperwork related to your country's politics, economy and so on when you heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" You asked loudly so that your voice could reach to the other side of the closed door.

"Hey (Country Name), it's Germany. I have something important I wanted to ask you. Can I come inside?" Germany's deep voice sounded through your office door.

"Yes, please come in." You answered and Germany opened your office door and entered.

"As you've probably heard, another world war is going to start soon. Probably within zhis year sometime. I wanted to ask you if you would side with zhe Axis Powers which consists of me, Italy and Japan. We could really use your help." Germany said to you as you put down your paperwork and sighed.

"Why me though?" You asked, leaning back in your chair while crossing your arms over your chest.

"Because you're strong, (Country Name). You fought a war against Russia without any external aid and won. Also, Russia is one of zhe nations we're fighting against as well as America, England, France and China. Zhey call zhemselves zhe Allies." Germany explained as you raised an eyebrow. You thought for a while before reaching your decision.

"Okay, I'll join the Axis Powers. But I'm only doing this because of my grudge against Russia." You said as you uncrossed your arms and placed your hands on your desk, folding them together.

"Thank you very much (Country Name). Follow me, please. I'll introduce you to our allies." Germany said as he left your office. You stood up from your seat at your desk and followed him. When you guys exited the front door, two men were standing there waiting. One was short and slim with black hair, dark brown eyes, and wore a white naval uniform with black and gold accents. The other man was a little taller, had short brown hair with a curl on the left side of his head and wore a blue military uniform. He seemed to be squinting so you couldn't see what color his eyes were which you found to be oddly cute.

"Is this our new arry?" The shorter black haired male asked Germany, gesturing towards you.

"Ve~ she's really pretty!" The brown haired man said, his curl formed into a heart shape and bounced up and down. You blushed at his compliment.

"Zhis is (Country Name). She will be siding with us for zhe war." Germany introduced you to the two men.

"Preased to meet you (Country Name). I am Japan. I'm rooking forward to working with you." Japan said as he bowed politely.

"Me too. It's a pleasure, Japan." You said, bowing in return.

"I'm Italy and I love pasta. Let's be friends!" Italy introduced himself cheerfully as he excitedly approached you.

"Nice to meet you Italy." You replied with a giggle.

"Italy, we're here to prepare for zhe war, not make friends." Germany said as he face palmed himself.

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