Tomato Face [Romano X Reader] Part 1

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(h/l) = hair length
(h/c) = hair color
(h/t) = hair type
(s/t) = skin tone
(e/c) = eye color
Bella = Beautiful (Italian)

It was a lovely day in Naples, Italy. You were the personification of Sicily and you were having a picnic dinner in the park with Romano. You and Romano were the best of friends. Normally, he's ill tempered and badmouths everyone else around him. But when he's with you, he's a completely different person. Romano is friendly and kind towards you, and minds his manners... well, he'd still curse (cursing didn't bother you), but he'll never curse at you. Overall, he just seems happier whenever you two hang out together. You've known Romano ever since you guys were little when both you and him were still under Spain's control. You and Romano lived together in Spain's mansion for 180 years until Romano was no longer under his rule. Over the years, you've developed romantic feelings for Romano but you never asked him out because you didn't want to risk ruining the friendship you guys had. You really hoped that Romano liked you the same way you liked him. You often thought about how much he'd grown since you both met as little kids. You remember the time you met Romano like it happened just moments ago.

~Flashback: Year 1526~

You had been living with Spain for 117 years now. But recently, you hadn't seen much of him for the past week because he had his hands full with a new troublesome underling that Austria dropped on him. Spain's newly acquired subordinate was a boy about your age named Romano. Even though this boy had been living under the same roof as you for a week, you still hadn't met him yet. The two of you never managed to cross paths which was probably because Spain's house was so big. The only things you know about Romano are what you've overheard Spain say about him. Occasionally, Spain would say something about how cute he was. But usually, he was complaining about how Romano was supposed to help cleaning up around the house, but instead ended up making it messier than it started out. Therefore, Spain always had to clean up after him and do the rest of the housework himself. Despite being under Spain's rule, he never made you do chores. But he did make you study hard so that you would be able to handle things on your own one day when you were ready. You had finished your studies early for the day so you were bored. You went looking for Spain to ask him to give you a task. Yes, you were that bored that even chores sounded fun. You found him out in his tomato garden, harvesting all the plump red vegetable-like fruit.

"Spain, I finished studying all the subjects and lessons you wanted me to go over today so I'm really bored now. Please let me help you out with the house work. Pretty please, pizza with a tomato on top?" You pleaded with Spain enthusiastically. Spain chuckled at your adorable eagerness to help out.

"Haha, thank you very much Sicily, but I can handle everything myself. Besides you're just a little girl, I can't burden you with chores now. Maybe when you get a little older you can help me out." Spain said, declining your offer again as he ruffled your hair and you pouted.

"Oh come on, Spain! Please? I'm bored and I want to help out. You're always working so hard. Also, I want to meet Romano and I figured you might know where he is. Besides Romano's about the same age as me and you try to make him do chores. Not to mention, I have to polish up my cleaning skills by the time I get a place of my own when the day of my independence arrives." You tried to reason logically with Spain while clinging onto the hem of his shirt and looked up at him, your pout turning into a sad puppy dog face. Spain chuckled again then knelt down on one knee and patted your head.

"Oh Sicily. I can never seem to win an argument with you, especially when you look at me like that. You win, okay? You can help out around the house and I'll introduce you to Romano." Spain said, finally giving into your demands as he smiled and got up and held out his hand. You happily took it and headed back to the mansion. When the two of you entered through the backdoor, a little boy about your height and age came running up to Spain in an angry fit. The boy had hazel-green eyes and short dark brown hair with a cute curl sticking out to the right from the front of his head. When he reached Spain he started to pound him with his fists and yelled at him.

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