Awesome Like Me [Famous!Prussia X Fan!Reader] Part 2

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(bf/n) = best friend's name
(rm/n) = roommate's name (same name as best friend)

The sun's bright morning rays shined through your bedroom window, waking you up. Last night was the best night of your life. You went to the BTT (Bad Touch Trio) concert and got to meet your idol and celebrity crush Prussia. Not only that, but Prussia left a love letter along with his cell phone number on your BTT album cover when he autographed it for you. It seemed so unreal, you quickly grabbed your BTT album cover to make sure it wasn't a dream. Sure enough, the letter and phone number in Prussia's handwriting was on it. You grabbed your phone and pulled up Prussia's number which you saved last night and called it. It rang a few times before someone picked up.

"Hello? Who is zhis?" Prussia's voice came through, sounding a bit aggressive and defensive. You tried your best not to scream out loud. Fortunately, you were able to contain your excitement, but it was hard.

"Hey Prussia, it's (f/n). I'm the one you wrote down a love letter to and you left your cell phone number on my album cover last night." You said, letting him know who you were to ease his concern. He's a big celebrity so he probably doesn't just give out his personal phone number to very many people. And since you never gave him your number, he wouldn't recognize it. If you were in his shoes, you probably would've answered the phone in a similar tone.

"Oh hey (f/n)! What's up? Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude or anything. I just didn't recognize zhe phone number. You can call me Gilbert. My real name is Gilbert Beilschmidt, Prussia's just my stage name." Gilbert said through the phone in a cheerful manner.

"You don't have to apologize for the way you answered the phone. I probably would have answered that way too if I were you! Also, I already know your real name. And I know Spain's name is Antonio Fernández Carriedo and France's is Francis Bonnefoy. I can't call myself a true Prussia and Bad Touch Trio fan if I don't know at least that much! Anyways, I think you have the cutest first name of the three, no offense to the other members." You said, giggling a little.

"Thanks zhat's a really nice thing of you to say to me. But still, it's not as cute of a name as (f/n)." Gilbert said, making you blush.

"Aww thank you. You're so sweet... and awesome." You said as you complimented him back, blushing even more.

"Kesesesese. And you're awesome like me." Gilbert laughed, complimenting you which made you blush even more. As you continued to talk to Gilbert on the phone, your best friend/roommate who you went to the concert with was listening in on your conversation through your door. After a while longer of talking, you and Gilbert said goodbye and hung up. Your stomach growled and you got up off your bed so you could go make breakfast. You opened your bedroom door and down fell your roommate who was leaning up against it.

"(bf/n)?!" You gasped in surprise. You offered to help her up, but she just slapped your hand away. She got up on her own and glared at you.

"Who were you talking to? Don't lie to me (f/n)." (bf/n) said sternly with an upset look on her face, her arms crossed in front of her. You paused for a long time before answering her.

"It... it was Prussia." You admitted to her. Your best friend was furious now.

"I can't believe you (f/n)! You know how much I adore Prussia! And you still had the nerve to hide the fact you have his phone number!" She yelled in your face.

"I-I'm sorry (bf/n), really I am. But I don't think he'd want me to pass his phone number on to someone else. Even if that someone is you." You apologized, trying to reason with (bf/n). But her level of anger didn't decrease.

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