Say Election [Japan X Reader]

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You were the small country of (Country Name). You were friends with all of the countries, but your closest friend was Japan. You had a feeling he might have had a crush on you. There were a couple things that made you assume so. First of all, he let you get in his personal space and showed no signs of discomfort. And secondly, he didn't seem to like it when you hung out with the other male countries. You also had a slight (okay maybe major) crush on him as well. There were many things that you found attractive about him such as his height, his mannerisms, his love for anime, and most of all his accent. God, you just absolutely loved that accent of his. The way his l's sounded like r's was just adorable. One lazy afternoon you and Japan were sitting together on a grassy hillside talking about American politics.

"So what do think about the two finar candidates for America's 2017 erection?" Japan asked you. You started to laugh hysterically when you heard the word 'election' in Japan's accent.

"Is there something funny about Hirrary Crinton and Donard Trump?" Japan asked you. When you finally calmed down, you told Japan why you were laughing.

"No, no, no! There's nothing funny about either of them, well except maybe Trump's hair style. It's just the way the word 'election' sounds in your accent. It sounded like you were saying America's 2017 erection not election." You said placing your hand on Japan's shoulder, trying your best not to burst out in laughter again. Japan's face started to turn a deep red as he realized what you meant. Ever since that incident, you would occasionally tease him about it, trying to get him to say it every now and then. Eventually he got used to your attempts to get him to say election and stopped falling for your tricks. So you gave up... for now. You waited patiently for the prime opportunity to strike again. Eventually your patience paid off. Japan thought you were done trying to get him to say election and pretty much forgot about it. It was the year 2021 and everyone was attending another world meeting. During the meeting, the topic of American politics came up. This was the perfect time to pull off your final 'election' prank. You suddenly stood up, getting everyone's attention.

"Japan don't you think that elections are a hassle?" You asked Japan, trying not to giggle.

"Yes I do. Erections are quite a hassre." He said. A split second later he covered his mouth and blushed a deep red from embarrassment as all the other countries stared at him and you burst out laughing hysterically.

"Hey, you did that on purpose (Country Name)-chan!" Japan yelled as the other countries started laughing too. After everyone had calmed down a bit more, America spoke in agreement.

"Dude, I'd say both elections and erections are a hassle!" America admitted after laughing his ass off. All the other male countries nodded their heads in agreement. Throughout the entire meeting, snickers from various countries broke out every now and then. After the meeting was over, Japan grabbed your hand and took off. He didn't let go until you two were inside his house.

"Why did you do that (Country Name)-chan? Why did you tease me about my accent again? Especiarry in front of everyone rike that. It was rearry embarrassing!" Japan said to you, clearly upset. You looked down and sighed before meeting his eyes again.

"I tease you because I like you." You finally confessed your feelings to him. Japan went from upset to flustered in a matter of seconds.

"You... you rike me? As in romanticarry?" Japan asked you and you nodded your head.

"I'm really sorry if I've hurt you in any way by my teasing. Please don't hate me!" You apologized as you suddenly hugged Japan, your breasts squishing against his chest. He blushed again and then returned the embrace.

"It's okay. I rike you too (Country Name)-chan." Japan confessed as well.

"I'm so glad we feel the same way about each other!" You said as you hugged Japan even tighter, causing your breasts to press against him even more. This aroused Japan which was weird because this happened every time you two hugged, but he had never gotten hard from it before.

"Umm (Country Name)-chan?" Japan said in sort of a question as you broke away from the hug.

"Yeah Japan?" You asked him as his face started to turn red again.

"I, uh, need some help with my erection... if you don't mind." He said bluntly. You tilted your head to the side, confused.

"Huh? I didn't know you were having an election for your country." You responded. Japan averted his gaze to the side and blushed a deeper red.

"No, I actuarry... mean erection this time." Japan said as you looked at him in confusion. Your gaze then traveled downwards and stopped at the tent forming in his pants. Your eyes widened as a look of shock appeared on your face, but soon turned into a smirk.

"Okay then. But let's go to your bedroom for this." You said seductively, taking Japan by the hand and walked with him to his bedroom.


Thanks for reading "Say Election" my Japan X Reader fan fiction! This is the 4th story of my Hetalia X Reader Short Stories collection. This fan fiction had me laughing almost the entire time I was writing it. I actually got this idea from a comment I saw posted on someone else's Hetalia X Reader one shots book on Wattpad. Little did that person know that his/her comment got turned into a meme and a fan fiction by me.

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